Джой Лий (Joie Lee)

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1962-6-22 - Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

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Всички филми и роли на Джой Лий (Joie Lee)

Актриса - Farewell Amor(2020) - Nzingha
She's Gotta Have It(Сериал)(2017-2019) - Septima Darling
Broad City(Сериал)(2019) - Toy Harris
Rectify(Сериал)(2016) - Bonnie
Da Sweet Blood of Jesus(2014) - Nurse Colquitt
Window on Your Present(2010) - Cloakey's Girlfriend
Starting Out in the Evening(2007) - Second Author
Full Grown Men(2006) - Annie
She Hate Me(2004) - Gloria Reid
Coffee and Cigarettes(2003) - Good Twin (segment "Twins")
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2003) - Prison Nurse
100 Centre Street(Сериал)(2002) - Angela Balding
Summer of Sam(1999) - Bed Stuy Woman Interviewed
Personals(1999) - Poet Woman
Get on the Bus(1996) - Jindal
Girl 6(1996) - Switchboard Operator (as Joie Susannah Lee)
Nowhere Fast(1995) - Joie
Losing Isaiah(1995) - Marie
Crooklyn(1994) - Aunt Maxine (uncredited)
Fathers & Sons(1992) - Lois
A Kiss Before Dying(1991) - Cathy (as Joy Lee)
Mo' Better Blues(1990) - Indigo Downes
Bail Jumper(1990) - Athena
Coffee and Cigarettes II(Късометражен)(1989) - Good Twin
Do the Right Thing(1989) - Jade
The Cosby Show(Сериал)(1989)
School Daze(1988) - Jigaboo Lizzie Life
She's Gotta Have It(1986) - Clorinda Bradford

Режисьор: Snapped(2001)


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