Дейвид Джоузеф Мартинес (David Joseph Martinez)

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Всички филми на Дейвид Джоузеф Мартинес (David Joseph Martinez)

Всички филми и роли на Дейвид Джоузеф Мартинес (David Joseph Martinez)

Актьор - The System - Warden Carlos
Queen of the South(Сериал)(2021) - Elderly Man
Black Easter(2021) - Old Rashad
Assassin 33 A.D.(2020) - Old Rashaad
Roe v. Wade(2019) - Mexican #1 (uncredited)
Kodachrome: The Movie(Късометражен)(2018) - Demon
Beast of Burden(2018) - Octavio Hernandez
Created Equal(2017) - Mario Batista
The Way Out Is Through(Късометражен)(2017)
Skookum: The Hunt for Bigfoot(2016) - Santee Cloud
Punchline(Късометражен)(2016) - Alvi
1959(2016) - Paul Marks
I Am Potential(2015) - Doctor Rogers
Escape Plan(2013) - Captain Newal Beradah
Now You See Me(2013/I) - F.B.I. Driver (uncredited)
Olympus Has Fallen(2013) - Senate Intelligence Officer (uncredited)
Rook(2012) - Detective Thomas Pearl
Treme(Сериал)(2012) - Additional Voices
Looper(2012) - Old Dale (as David Martinez)
Killing Them Softly(2012) - Pablo (uncredited)
Phoenix Falling(2011) - Det. Jacob Smith
The Dragon Warrior(2011) - Soldier #1
Letting Go(2011/II) - Kirk Mckinley
Mardi Gras: Spring Break(2011) - Chateau Burgundy Security
X: First Class(2011) - Cuban General #1 (uncredited)
The Jack of Spades(2010) - Inspector Dwayne Norris
The Expendables(2010) - Peasant Worker (uncredited)
My Parents
My Sister & Me(Сериал)(2010) - Colonel Tobias Noel
Mayday! Bering Sea(2010) - James Madruga
Quantum Apocalypse(2010) - NASA Scientist (uncredited)
Wolvesbayne(2009) - Dr. James Avery
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans(2009) - Juan Michel
Something Sweet(Късометражен)(2009) - Father
The Music of You(Късометражен)(2008) - Arturo
Carlita's Secret(2004) - Manny
Unsolved Mysteries(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(1997) - Enrique Molina Garcia
The Bodyguard(1992) - Raul Moreno-Janitor (uncredited)
Drug Wars: The Cocaine Cartel(Мини Сериал)(1992) - Hitman (uncredited)
Miami Vice(Сериал)(1984-1987) - Ex-Con #3 / White Porsche Driver / Undercover Cop
Knights of the City(1986) - Underworld Figure
Amigos(1985) - Mariel Refugee (uncredited)
The Mean Season(1985) - Newspaper Reporter (uncredited)
Lenny(1974) - Marine Private (uncredited)


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