Мари-Жозе Круз (Marie-Josée Croze)

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February 23, 1970 - Montréal, Québec, Canada

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Мари-Жозе Круз (Marie-Josée Croze)

Всички филми и роли на Мари-Жозе Круз (Marie-Josée Croze)

Актриса - The Forgiven(2021/III) - Isabelle
Into the Night(Сериал)(2021) - Gia
Mirage(Сериал)(2020) - Claire Kohler
Disappearance at Clifton Hill(2019) - Mrs. Moulin
For the Ones We Loved(2019) - Béa
Jack Ryan(Сериал)(2018) - Sandrine / Sandrine Arnaud
MILF(2018) - Sonia
The Test of Love(2017) - Marielle Monteil
Lanester(Сериал)(2017) - Elisabeth Bassonville
Iqaluit(2016) - Carmen
The Confessions(2016) - Ministro canadese
Kalinka(2016) - Dany
2 Nights Till Morning(2015) - Caroline
Every Thing Will Be Fine(2015) - Ann
Arletty A Guilty Passion(2015) - Antoinette
The Narrow Frame of Midnight(2014) - Judith
Nobody from Nowhere(2014) - Clémence Corneli
An Eye for Beauty(2014) - Isabelle / Melissa's lesbian husband
Calvary(2014) - Teresa
Collision(2013) - Audrey
La certosa di Parma(2012) - Gina Duchesse de Sanseverina
Birdsong(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Jeanne
Another Silence(2011) - Marie
The Afghan Trap(2011) - Nadia
A View of Love(2010) - Marie-Jeanne / Cathy
Poirot(Сериал)(2010) - Greta Ohlsson
Vivre!(2009) - Marie-Josée Croze
Freedom(2009) - Mademoiselle Lundi
Hidden Diary(2009) - Louise
Je l'aimais(2009) - Mathilde
Love Me No More(2008) - Cécile
Le nouveau protocole(2008) - Diane
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly(2007) - Henriette Roi
Jacquou le croquant(2007) - La mère de Jacquou
Tell No One(2006) - Margot Beck
La mémoire des autres(2006) - Constance
Beyond the Ocean(2006) - Tango
Munich(2005) - Jeanette the Dutch Assassin (as Marie-Josee Croze)
La petite Chartreuse(2005) - Pascale Blanchot
The Story of My Life(2004) - Muriel
Ordo(2004) - Louise Sandoli
Taking Lives(2004) - Medical Examiner
Nothing(2003) - Sara
The Barbarian Invasions(2003) - Nathalie
Largo Winch(Сериал)(2003)
Ascension(2002/I) - Pregnant Woman (lead)
Ararat(2002) - Celia
Wolves in the Snow(2002) - Lucie
HLA identique(Късометражен)(2000) - Marie
Maelstrom(2000) - Bibiane Champagne
Battlefield Earth(2000) - Mara
Murder Most Likely(1999) - Marie Cartier
Captive(1998) - Juliette Laurier
The Hunger(Сериал)(1997) - Dominique / Mimi
Le masque(Сериал)(1997) - Nadine Mallette
Roger Tabra: Une heure après(1996)
Chambres en ville(Сериал)(1993-1996) - Noémie Vanasse
La vitesse tue(Късометражен)(1993) - Sophie
Zelda(1993) - Nanny
La Florida(1993) - Carmen
Montréal P.Q.(Сериал)(1992)
The Postmistress(1992) - Fille du bordel
Lance et compte: Le choix(1991) - Vendeuse Boutique


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