Томас Джейн (Thomas Jane)

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February 22, 1969 - Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Томас Джейн (Thomas Jane)

Всички филми и роли на Томас Джейн (Thomas Jane)

Актьор - Bosco - Hunt
Salvation - Whitney
Bad Hombres(2022) - Rob Carlton
Murder at Yellowstone City(2022) - Thaddeus
Slayers(2022) - Elliot Jones
Paltrocast with Darren Paltrowitz(Сериал)(2022)
Vendetta(2022/I) - Dante
Troppo(Сериал)(2022) - Ted Conkaffey
Warning(2021/II) - David
Apache Junction(2021) - Al Longfellow
The Last Son(2021) - Solomon
Breach(2020/IV) - Admiral Adams-King
Run Hide Fight(2020) - Todd Hull
Money Plane(2020) - Harry
Hunter's Moon(2020) - The Sheriff
The Vanished(2020) - Paul
The Expanse(Сериал)(2015-2019) - Joe Miller
Robot Chicken(Сериал)(2019) - The Punisher / Arlen Specter
Crown Vic(2019) - Ray Mandel
The Predator(2018) - Baxley
A-X-L(2018) - Chuck Hill
1922(2017) - Wilfred James
Hot Summer Nights(2017) - Sergeant Calhoun
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage(2016) - Lt. Adrian Marks
The World's Biggest Asshole(Кратък телевизионен филм)(2016) - Coleman F. Sweeney
Before I Wake(2016) - Mark
The Veil(2016/I) - Jim Jacobs
Standoff(2016/I) - Carter
Texas Rising(Мини Сериал)(2015) - James Wykoff
Broken Horses(2015) - Gabriel Heckum
Into the Grizzly Maze(2015) - Beckett
Vice(2015) - Roy
Reach Me(2014) - Wolfie
Heavenly Sword(2014) - Loki (voice)
Drive Hard(2014) - Peter Roberts
Buttwhistle(2014) - Grumisch
White Bird in a Blizzard(2014) - Detective Scieziesciez
Pawn Shop Chronicles(2013) - The Man
The Punisher: Dirty Laundry(Късометражен)(2012) - Frank Castle
LOL(2012) - Allen
Hung(Сериал)(2009-2011) - Ray Drecker
I Melt with You(2011) - Richard
DC Showcase Original Shorts Collection(2010) - Jonah Hex (segment "Jonah Hex") (voice)
Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam(2010) - Jonah Hex (voice)
DC Showcase: Jonah Hex(2010) - Jonah Hex (voice)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World(2010) - Vegan Police (uncredited)
Dark Country(2009) - Dick / Bloodyface
Give 'em Hell Malone(2009) - Malone
Killshot(2008) - Wayne Colson
Mutant Chronicles(2008) - Maj. 'Mitch' Hunter
The Butler's in Love(Късометражен)(2008) - Sherman
The Mist(2007) - David Drayton
Medium(Сериал)(2006) - Clay Bicks
The Tripper(2006) - Buzz
Elton John: Turn the Lights Out When You Leave(Музикален видеоклип)(2005) - Man
Gun(Видео Игра)(2005) - Colton White (voice)
Arrested Development(Сериал)(2004) - Homeless Man / Tom Jane
The Punisher(Видео Игра)(2004) - The Punisher (voice)
The Punisher(2004) - Frank Castle (as Tom Jane)
Stander(2003) - Andre Stander
Dreamcatcher(2003) - Henry
The Sweetest Thing(2002) - Peter
Eden(2001/I) - Dov
Original Sin(2001) - Billy / Walter Downs / Mephisto
61*(2001) - Mickey Mantle
Jonni Nitro(2000) - Brack
Under Suspicion(2000) - Detective Felix Owens
Magnolia(1999) - Young Jimmy Gator
Deep Blue Sea: Deleted Scenes(1999) - Carter Blake
Junked(1999) - Switch
Molly(1999) - Sam
Deep Blue Sea(1999) - Carter Blake
The Thin Red Line(1998) - Pvt. Ash (as Tom Jane)
Zack and Reba(1998) - Sparky Stokes
The Velocity of Gary(1998) - Gary * (His Real Name)
Thursday(1998) - Casey
Boogie Nights(1997) - Todd Parker
Face/Off(1997) - Burke Hicks
The Last Time I Committed Suicide(1997) - Neal Cassady
Hollywood Confidential(1997) - Lee
Michael Penn: Try(1997) - Sad Basketball Player
The Crow: City of Angels(1996) - Nemo
High Tide(Сериал)(1995) - Barry
At Ground Zero(1994) - Thomas Quinton Pennington (as Tom Elliott)
Nemesis(1992) - Billy (as Tom Janes)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer(1992) - Zeph (as Tom Janes)
I'll Love You Forever... Tonight(1992) - The Hustler
She-Wolf of London(Сериал)(1991) - Johnny
Padamati Sandhya Ragam(1987) - Tom (as Tom)

Режисьор: The Expanse(2020)
Thomas Jane and Melinda Hill: Early Work(2012)
Dark Country(2009)
Jonni Nitro(2000)

Мини Биография

Томас Джейн е американски актьор, известен с образа на Франк Касъл от филма "Наказателят" по комиксите на Marvel от 2004 г. и филма "Мръсно пране" за фенове от 2012 г. Участвал е и във филмите "Буги нощи", "Тънка червена линия", "Дълбоко синьо море", "Хищникът", "1922", "Мъглата" и "Вечерна рага на Запада". - И.И. превод


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