Франк Колинс (Frank Collison)

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February 14, 1950 - Evanston, Illinois, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Франк Колинс (Frank Collison)

Всички филми и роли на Франк Колинс (Frank Collison)

Актьор - Cold Monsters - Bill Colburn
Step 9(Късометражен) - William
Childish Things(Късометражен)(2017) - Jerry
Y'All-R Family(Сериал) - Zebedee Boudreaux
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia(Сериал)(2021) - Smokey
Two Yellow Lines(2021) - Roy
Young Sheldon(Сериал)(2021) - Chet
Bad Vibes(2021) - The Gentleman
Momma Named Me Sheriff(Сериал)(2019-2021) - Grandpa / General McKinzlebenner
The Collector(Късометражен)(2021/I) - Hal
Shakespeare Republic: #AllTheWebsAStage (The Lockdown Chronicles)(Сериал)(2020) - Prospero
Mr. Pickles(Сериал)(2013-2019) - Grandpa / Mr. Bojenkins / Trucker / ...
Goodbye Dessa(Късометражен)(2019) - Robert
Proven Innocent(Сериал)(2019) - Dr. Winkler
A Commercial Interlude(2018) - Cowboy
9-1-1(Сериал)(2018) - Sam
The Homeless Man
Buckshot(2017) - Nickel
Vikes(2017) - Gunnar
Twin Peaks(Сериал)(2017) - Muddy
You're Gonna Miss Me(2017) - Linus Duckworth
The Hero(2017/I) - Man in Dream
American Horror Story(Сериал)(2016) - Real Ishmael Polk
Pee-wee's Big Holiday(2016) - Clay
The 4th(2016) - Creepy Party Crasher
Runestone: Sizzle Reel(Сериал)(2015) - Tryggvi Grimarrson
L.A. Slasher(2015) - Killers Anonymous Leader
What You Can Burn(Късометражен)(2015) - Harlowe
Silicon Valley(Сериал)(2015) - Noah
Backstrom(Сериал)(2015) - Norman Gilman
Grandma(2015) - Mike
Dr. Quinn
Morphine Woman with Jane Seymour(Късометражен)(2014) - Horace Bing
Pirate's Code: The Adventures of Mickey Matson(2014) - Admiral Ironsides
Criminal Minds(Сериал)(2013) - Richard Clayvin
Good Luck Charlie(Сериал)(2011-2013) - Vern
Tomb Raider(Видео Игра)(2013) - Solarii (voice)
Hitchcock(2012) - Henry Gein
Guild Wars 2(Видео Игра)(2012) - Cadeyrn / Candwyr / Hunk'lo / ... (voice)
Eagleheart(Сериал)(2012) - Shoestring
Luck(Сериал)(2012) - Tony
Ghosts/Aliens(2010) - Bearded Hillbilly
Radio Free Albemuth(2010) - Leon
Jonas(Сериал)(2010) - Larry
Hesher(2010) - Funeral Director
Pants on Fire(2008) - Trucker
The Happening(2008) - Nursery Owner
My Name Is Earl(Сериал)(2005-2008) - Kenny's Dad / Male Guest
Fawlty Tower Oxnard(Сериал)(2007) - Mr. Carnegie
Stargate: Atlantis(Сериал)(2006) - Keturah
Voodoo Moon(2006) - Mac
Callback(2005/I) - Karl
Gun(Видео Игра)(2005) - Honest Tom / Additional VO (voice)
Invasion(Сериал)(2005) - Earl
Carnivàle(Сериал)(2003-2005) - Jasper / Jasper the Talker / Talker #3
Suspect Zero(2004) - Piper
The Village(2004) - Victor
Monk(Сериал)(2004) - Warrick Tennyson
The Whole Ten Yards(2004) - Strabo
Hidalgo(2004) - Texas Jack
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(1997-2003) - Dennis Ratner / Dana Lennox
Hope Springs(2003) - Mr. Fisher
The Majestic(2001) - Subpoena Server
K-PAX(2001) - Screaming Man (uncredited)
A Crack in the Floor(2001) - Turner
Camouflage(2001) - Skinny Cop - Tommy
O Brother
Where Art Thou?(2000) - Wash Hogwallop
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman: The Movie(1999) - Horace Bing
7th Heaven(Сериал)(1999) - Fred Moon
Dr. Quinn
Medicine Woman(Сериал)(1993-1998) - Horace Bing
California(Сериал)(1997) - Horace Bing
Buddy(1997) - Zoo Keeper
The Investigator(1994)
It Runs in the Family(1994) - Floyd Bumpus
S.F.W.(1994) - Stoner Witness
Dead Connection(1994) - Garage Attendant
Johnny Bago(Сериал)(1993) - Brawny Logger
A Formula for Mayhem(1993) - Raddish
12:01(1993) - Thin Assassin
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(Сериал)(1993) - Dolak
Diggstown(1992) - Prison Guard
Keep the Change(1992) - Darryl Burke
The Lawnmower Man(1992) - Night Gate Guard
The Last Boy Scout(1991) - Pablo
Dollman(1991) - Sprug
Star Trek: The Next Generation(Сериал)(1991) - Gul Dolak
Mobsters(1991) - Sonny Catania
My Life and Times(Сериал)(1991) - Harlequin
Quantum Leap(Сериал)(1991) - Mortimer
Jake and the Fatman(Сериал)(1991) - Wino
Gabriel's Fire(Сериал)(1990) - Buster
Cop Rock(Сериал)(1990) - Phil
Backstreet Dreams(1990) - Spider
Wild at Heart(1990) - Timmy Thompson
Why Me?(1990) - Armenian Robber #3
Alien Nation(1988) - Bentner
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark(1988) - Billy
The Blob(1988) - Hobbe
The Bronx Zoo(Сериал)(1988) - Plasterer
Night Court(Сериал)(1988) - Aqualung
Into the Homeland(1987) - Gas Station Attendant
Matlock(Сериал)(1987) - Unshaven Man
Amazon Women on the Moon(1987) - Grizzled Pirate (segment "Video Pirates")
The New Mike Hammer(Сериал)(1987) - Frank
Moonlighting(Сериал)(1986) - Padua Resident
Wired to Kill(1986) - Sly
Hunter(Сериал)(1986) - Bosco
Hill Street Blues(Сериал)(1986) - Junkie
Grunt! The Wrestling Movie(1985) - Charlie Stroll
The Compleat Al(1985) - Look-A-Like Salesman


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