Майкъл Смайли, (Michael Smiley)

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1963 - Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Майкъл Смайли, (Michael Smiley)

Всички филми и роли на Майкъл Смайли, (Michael Smiley)

Актьор - She Is Love(2022) - Kenneth Walker
The Silent Twins(2022)
The Curse(Сериал)(2022) - Ronnie Gatlin
Ragdoll(Сериал)(2021) - DS Finlay
Temple(Мини Сериал)(2021) - Dermot
Evie(2021/II) - Father Robert
Gunpowder Milkshake(2021) - Dr. Ricky
Intergalactic(Сериал)(2021) - Professor Hague Blake
Bloodlands(Сериал)(2021) - Dinger
Tollbooth(2021) - Toll Booth
Censor(2021) - Doug Smart
Motion Sickness(Късометражен)(2020) - Driver
Dead Still(Мини Сериал)(2020) - Brock Blennerhasset
Rough(Късометражен)(2020) - Bunter
Rialto(2019) - Noel
Come to Daddy(2019) - Jethro
The Devil Went Down to Islington(2019) - Father Crowley
Luther(Сериал)(2010-2019) - Benny Silver / Benny Deadhead / Benny 'Deadhead' Silver
Death and Nightingales(Мини Сериал)(2018) - Dummy McGonnell
Otzi and the Mystery of Time(2018) - Otzi
The Nun(2018) - Bishop Pasquale
The Belly of the Whale(2018) - Gits Hegarty
Birthmarked(2018) - Gertz
Tulip Fever(2017) - Pieter
Madame(2017) - David Morgan
Jawbone(2017) - Eddie
A Pornographer Woos(Късометражен)(2016) - The Writer
Two Angry Men(Късометражен)(2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story(2016) - Dr. Evazan
Free Fire(2016) - Frank
1500 Words(Късометражен)(2016) - The Narrator (voice)
V Sign(2016)
The Aliens(Мини Сериал)(2016) - Antoine
Murder(Мини Сериал)(2016) - Whitmore
Orthodox(2015) - Reg Shannon
Tank 432(2015) - Capper
Group B(Късометражен)(2015) - Martin Kelly
BBC Comedy Feeds(Сериал)(2015) - Les
My Name Is Emily(2015) - Robert
The Lobster(2015) - Loner Swimmer
The Hallow(2015) - Garda Davey
Black Sea(2014) - Reynolds
Doctor Who(Сериал)(2014) - Colonel Morgan Blue
Glassland(2014) - Jim
Shelter(Късометражен)(2014/II) - Lance Corporal Frank Ainsworth
Edge of Heaven(Сериал)(2014) - Snowy
The Life of Rock with Brian Pern(Сериал)(2014) - Micky Murray
Father(Късометражен)(2013/II) - Donal
Ambassadors(Сериал)(2013) - Jackson
Father Figure(Сериал)(2013) - Roddy
Pieces(Късометражен)(2013/II) - Father
Talking to the Dead(Мини Сериал)(2013) - David Penry
The World's End(2013) - Reverend Green
A Field in England(2013) - O'Neil
We Are the Freaks(2013) - Killer Colin
Svengali(2013) - Irish Pierre
For Those in Peril(2013) - Frank
Black Mirror(Сериал)(2013) - Baxter
The Parachutist(Късометражен)(2013) - Father
Utopia(Сериал)(2013) - Reynolds
Ripper Street(Сериал)(2013) - George Lusk
Orthodox(Късометражен)(2012) - Shannon
New Tricks(Сериал)(2012) - Tinker
Shell(2012/I) - Hugh
Zero Tolerance(Късометражен)(2012)
The ABCs of Death(2012) - Father Tom (segment "U Is for Unearthed")
Good Cop(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Tom Lomax
Coming Up(Сериал)(2012) - Ricky
At Dusk(Късометражен)(2011) - Man
Pay First(Късометражен)(2011)
Promise(Късометражен)(2011) - Businessman
Big Fat Gypsy Gangster(2011) - Mad Mick
Stolen(2011) - Sean
Kill List(2011) - Gal
Burke and Hare(2010) - Patterson
One Night in Emergency(2010) - Mortuary Attendant
Down Terrace(2009) - Pringle
Believe(Късометражен)(2009/I) - Lewis
Law & Order: UK(Сериал)(2009) - Danny Doyle
Wire in the Blood(Сериал)(2008) - Dr. Liam Kerwin
The Wrong Door(Сериал)(2008)
Holby Blue(Сериал)(2008) - Brendan Duffy
Outpost(2008) - McKay
The Other Boleyn Girl(2008) - Physician
Terra Firma(Късометражен)(2008) - Quentin
Nearly Famous(Сериал)(2007) - Danny
Y Pris(Сериал)(2007) - Captain
In the Spider's Web(2007) - Phil
Don't(Късометражен)(2007) - Molester
Breaking and Entering(2006) - Thaddeus (uncredited)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer(2006) - Porter
Land of the Blind(2006) - Thorne's Lieutenant
Bleak House(Мини Сериал)(2005) - Phil Squod
ShakespeaRe-Told(Мини Сериал)(2005) - Peter
Rose and Maloney(Сериал)(2005) - DS Mallam
Blood(Късометражен)(2005) - Geoff
Hustle(Сериал)(2005) - Max
Murder Prevention(Сериал)(2004) - DC Maurice Gibney
Shaun of the Dead(2004) - Zombie (uncredited)
The Wayfarer(Късометражен)(2003) - Dessie
Mint Royale: Blue Song(Музикален видеоклип)(2002) - Bank Robber
15 Storeys High(Сериал)(2002) - Insistent Irish visitor
Time Gentlemen Please(Сериал)(2000-2002) - Martin The Painter / Painter / Drug Dealer
Spaced(Сериал)(1999-2001) - Tyres O'Flaherty
Burnside(Сериал)(2000) - Matthew Hutchins
Cracker(Сериал)(1994) - Bartender
The Heist(1989) - Detective (uncredited)

Режисьор: La Petite Mort(2019/IV)


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