Даниъл Болдуин (Daniel Baldwin)

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October 5, 1960 - Massapequa, Long Island, New York, USA

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Всички филми на Даниъл Болдуин (Daniel Baldwin)

Всички филми и роли на Даниъл Болдуин (Daniel Baldwin)

Актьор - Coyote Exile - Frank
Darkness Awaits
Devotion - Pete Dimitrio
Famine - Michael Collins
Loaded Deck - Big Deal
Marina's City - Sheriff Granger
The Red Man's View - Squatter Silas
Off the Grid(2024)
ChrisAnder(2023) - Michael
The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One(2023) - David Omm
K-Town(Сериал)(2022) - Gabino 'GaGa' Gallio
PTSD: A Soldiers Revenge(2022) - Major James Teal
Angel Dust(Мини Сериал) - Malphas (2021-2022)
For Nothing(Сериал) - Joe Falzone (2020)
Enchantress(2022) - Mike
Bring Him Back Dead - Boothe
Judgement - Solomon
Gutter(2022) - Salvador Rossi
Paltrocast with Darren Paltrowitz(Сериал)(2021)
Going Rogue(2020) - Soltan Niemand
The Christmas Project Reunion(2020) - Principal Doyle
The 420 Movie: Mary & Jane(2020) - Edgar J. Hightower
Damage Control(Сериал)(2019) - Slick Willy
South of Heaven: Episode 2 - The Shadow(2019) - Detective Pete
Making a Deal with the Devil(2019) - Chertoff
The Last Big Save(2019) - Team Cheetah Trainer
Crossbreed(2019) - Secretary of Defense Weathers
Death Kiss(2018) - Dan Forthright
The Joke Thief(2018) - Nightclub Owner
Two Faced(2017) - Rich Barry
Anabolic Life(2017) - Mr. Louis
The Neighborhood(2017/I) - Johnny 1
Deadly Sanctuary(2017) - Dr. Price
The Red Maple Leaf(2016) - Richard Barton
The Guest House(2016) - Mr. Silver
Divorce Texas Style(2016) - Alan James
Sicilian Vampire(2015) - Vito
Lady Psycho Killer(2015) - Daniel's father
No Deposit(2015) - Bryan Canning
Hope Lost(2015) - Ettore
Hawaii Five-0(Сериал)(2013-2015) - Paul Delano
Bound(2015/I) - Walter
The Wisdom to Know the Difference(2014) - Bob
Helen Alone(2014) - Jack
H.O.A. Havoc(2013) - Lucky Betts
A Little Christmas Business(2013) - Don Collier
The Sound of Trains(Късометражен)(2013) - Jacob
Out West(2013) - Gordo
Mosaic(2013) - Nick Caruso
City Baby(2013) - Cloey's Dad
The Unbroken(2012) - Bruce Middlebrooks
Cell Count(2012) - Blair Norris
Grimm(Сериал)(2012) - Jordan Vance
After Effect(2012) - Senator Davis
Return to Vengeance(2012) - Bart
Will(Късометражен)(2011/II) - Howard
Christmas with a Capital C(2011) - Mitch Bright
Operation Belvis Bash(2011) - Namco Douglas
Oba: The Last Samurai(2011) - Colonel Pollard
Stripperland(2011) - Double D
Ashley's Ashes(2010) - Bloom
Death and Cremation(2010) - Bill Weaver
The Truth(2010/I) - Gabriel's Father
Cold Case(Сериал)(2009-2010) - Moe Kitchener
Nine Dead(2009) - Detective Seager
Shadowheart(2009) - Mr. T.S. McKinley
Grey Gardens(2009) - Julius 'Cap' Krug
A Darker Reality(2008) - The Ghost
Little Red Devil(2008) - Luc Tyer
The Devil's Dominoes(2008) - Sheriff Farley
The Closer(Сериал)(2008) - Mark Yates
Born of Earth(2008) - Danny Kessler
The Blue Rose(2007) - Eddie
The Sopranos(Сериал)(2007) - Daniel Baldwin / Sally Boy
Moola(2007) - Harry
Vegas Vampires(2007) - Detective Burns
Shut Up and Shoot!(2006) - Field Commander Burns
The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell(2006) - Clark Remington
Final Move(2006) - Jasper Haig
I'll Be There with You(2006) - Constantine
Sidekick(2005) - Chuck
Our Fathers(2005) - Angelo DeFranco
Boardwalk Poets(2005) - Russo
Dynamite(2004) - Jack 'Alpha'
Anonymous Rex(2004) - Ernie Watson
Paparazzi(2004) - Wendell Stokes
Vendetta: No Conscience
No Mercy(2004) - Sean Phelan
Silver Man(2003) - Eddy
Water's Edge(2003) - Mayor Block
King of the Ants(2003/I) - Ray Mathews
Stealing Candy(2003) - Walt Gearson
Ancient Warriors(2003) - Jasper 'Jaz' Harding
Open House(2003) - King
Tunnel(2002) - Seale
The Real Deal(2002) - Vince / Husband
Touched by an Angel(Сериал)(2002) - Buzz Wescott
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(2002) - Det. Frank Hughes
Bare Witness(2002) - Detective Killian
Net Worth(2001) - Robert Freedman
Twice in a Lifetime(Сериал)(2001) - Roger Hamilton / Dr. Lenny Shalton
Fall: The Price of Silence(2001) - Anthony Carlotti
Double Frame(2000) - Det. Frank Tompkins
In Pursuit(2000) - Rick
Wild Grizzly(2000) - Harlan Adams
Gamblin'(Късометражен)(2000) - Pike
Homicide: The Movie(2000) - Beau Felton
Silicon Towers(1999) - Tom Neufield
Killing Moon(1999) - Frank Conroy
Water Damage(1999) - Paul Preedy
The Outer Limits(Сериал)(1999) - Dan Kagan
Active Stealth(1999) - Capt. Murphy
Desert Thunder(1999) - Lee Miller
Fallout(1999) - J.J. Hendricks
Dead Man's Gun(Сериал)(1998) - Joe Wagner
On the Border(1998) - Ed
The Treat(1998) - Tony
Phoenix(1998) - James Nutter
The Pandora Project(1998) - Captain John Lacy
Love Kills(1998) - Danny Tucker
Vampires(1998) - Anthony Montoya
The Invader(1997) - Jack Logan
Twisted Desire(1996) - William Stanton
Trees Lounge(1996) - Jerry
Yesterday's Target(1996) - Paul Harper
Mulholland Falls(1996) - McCafferty
Family of Cops(1995) - Ben Fein
Homicide: Life on the Street(Сериал)(1993-1995) - Beau Felton
Bodily Harm(1995) - Sam McKeon
Dead on Sight(1994) - Caleb Odell
Car 54
Where Are You?(1994) - Don Motti
Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman(1993) - Harry Archer
The Larry Sanders Show(Сериал)(1993) - Daniel Baldwin
Hero(1992/I) - Fireman Denton (as Daniel Leroy Baldwin)
Yesterday Today(1992)
Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life(1992) - Ned Blessing
Knight Moves(1992) - Andy Wagner
The Heroes of Desert Storm(1991) - Sgt. Ben Pennington
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man(1991) - Alexander
Nothing But Trouble(1991) - Dealer #1 (Artie)
Sydney(Сериал)(1990) - Cheezy
Born on the Fourth of July(1989) - Vet #1
L.A. Takedown(1989) - Det. Bobby Schwartz
CBS Summer Playhouse(Сериал)(1989) - Guppie
Charles in Charge(Сериал)(1989) - Daryl Furman
Family Ties(Сериал)(1989) - Holworthy
Too Good to Be True(1988) - Leif

Режисьор: My Promise to PJ(2020)
The Wisdom to Know the Difference(2014)
Fall: The Price of Silence(2001)

Мини Биография

Даниел Болдуин е роден на 5 октомври 1960 г. в Масапекуа, Лонг Айлънд, Ню Йорк, САЩ. Той е актьор и продуцент, известен с Hawaii Five-0 (2010), Grimm (2011) и Cold Case (2003). От 28 юли 2007 г. е женен за Джоан Смит-Балдуин. Те имат две деца. Преди това е бил женен за Елизабет Болдуин и Черил Болдуин. - И.И. превод


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