Марк Борхард (Mark Borchardt)

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1966-8-20 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Марк Борхард (Mark Borchardt)

Всички филми и роли на Марк Борхард (Mark Borchardt)

Актьор - Scare Me - Jeff Lavelle
I Am an Alien - Mark
Joe Pera Talks with You(Сериал)(2018-2021) - Gordy / Guy at Bar
Breathing Underwater(Късометражен)(2021) - Dirke
An American in Amsterdam(2020)
Legal ThreaT(2020) - Reese Kelly
Small Town Wisconsin(2020) - Store Clerk
Faith Based(2020) - Mark
At the Park by the Creek(2019) - Radio Show Host
Black Licorice(2019) - Martin Milo
The Field(2019/II) - Cashier
Shangri-LA(Сериал)(2019) - Doctor Marvin Nestor / Doctor Mavin Nestor
Through the Eye Root(Късометражен)(2018) - Mouthman / Bugleman
Lycanimator(2018) - Spencer Del Graves
Texas Cotton(Късометражен)(2017)
Where the Great Spirits Live(Късометражен)(2017) - Dirke
Shangri-LA: Pilot(Сериал)(2016) - Doctor Marvin Nestor
Here Comes Rusty(2016) - Oren
Two Rivers(Късометражен)(2014) - Dirke
Hamlet A.D.D.(2014) - Gravedigger
Heavy Hands(2012) - The Mechanic
The Jeffrey Dahmer Files(Документален)(2012) - Man with glasses
The Hagstone Demon(2011) - Douglas Elmore
The Amateur Monster Movie(2011) - Mr. Englan
Dozers(2010) - Gawker
Unholy Reunion: Director's Cut(2010) - Douglas - Interviewee
Living Arrangements(2009) - Paul
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever(2009) - Herman
Modus Operandi(2009) - Dallas Deacon
Tapioca(2009) - Harve
Leslie Hall's Zombie Killer - Featuring Elvira(2008) - Mark Zombie
First Bass(Късометражен)(2008) - Principal Papalschmeck
Confession Stand(Късометражен)(2007) - Theatre Manager
Big D and the Kids table: Deadpan Face(Късометражен)(2007) - Grave Digger
The Devil's Muse(2007) - Floyd
Family Guy(Сериал)(2006) - Mark Borchardt
Zombie Island(Късометражен)(2005) - Al (as 'Al the drunk at the bar')
The Godfather of Green Bay(2005) - Skeeter
Living Dead Girl(Късометражен)(2003) - Jesus
One More Time(2002) - Dude Schmitz
The Tunnel(Късометражен)(2001) - Lincoln
The One(2001) - Cesar
Coven(Късометражен)(2000) - Mike

Режисьор: Scare Me
The Lion and the Narcissist
The Dundee Project(2017)
The Benefits of FilmFreeway(2015)
Big D and the Kids table: Deadpan Face(2007)


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