Актриса - A Magical Journey(2019) - Viking Queen
Buckle Up(Късометражен)(2018)
The Monuments Men(2014) - Jean Claude's Wife
The Return(Късометражен)(2013/VII)
Opium(2013) - Coco Chanel
Delicacy(2011) - Le mannequin fantasme
The Time of Silence(2011) - Laurence
The Powder Room(Късометражен)(2011)
Air: So Light is her Footfall(2010) - Audrey
The Edge(2010) - Jeanne
The Man Who Sold the World(2009) - Lili
Une dernière cigarette(Късометражен)(2009) - Audrey
Nucingen House(2008) - Léonore
Paris(2008/I) -
... Marjolaine
Tony Zoreil(Късометражен)(2007) - Elizabeth
Mon meilleur ami(2006/I) - Marianne
Bunker paradise(2005) - Laëtitia