Йон Карамитру (Ion Caramitru)

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1942-3-9 - Bucharest, Romania

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Йон Карамитру (Ion Caramitru)

Всички филми и роли на Йон Карамитру (Ion Caramitru)

Актьор - The Pitesti Experiment/Experimentul Pitesti(2022) - Unchiul Corneliu
Cufarul(Късометражен)(2019) - Mihai Eminescu
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time(2018) - Headmaster
A Love Story
Lindenfeld(2014) - dr. Simon Hermann
Charlie Countryman(2013) - Victor Ibanescu
Two Point Five Billion(Късометражен)(2008) - Bloch
Adam & Paul(2004) - Eastern European Man
Amen.(2002) - Count Fontana
Deep Secrets(1996) - Caine
Mission: Impossible(1996) - Zozimov
Two Deaths(1995) - Carl Dalakis
Citizen X(1995) - Tatevsky
An Exchange of Fire(Сериал)(1993) - Oscar Karel
A Question of Guilt(1993) - Sandor Darvas
Kafka(1991) - Solemn Anarchist
Jute City(Сериал)(1991) - Grigory
Extemporal la dirigentie(1987) - Socrate
A Doua varianta(1987)
The Graduates(1986) - Socrate
Intunecare(1986) - Radu Comsa
Promisiuni(1985) - Radu Costache
Confessions of Love(1985) - Socrate
Galax Man-Doll(1984) - Luceafarul Poem (voice)
Ca-n filme(1983)
Iata femeia pe care o iubesc(1981)
Stefan Luchian(1981) - Stefan Luchian
The Carpathian Castle(1981) - Alexandru Policretti
Ancheta(1980) - Paul Blejan
The Stake and the Flame(1980) - Bota
Am fost 16(1979) - Second lieutenant Marin Nastase
Bietul Ioanide(1979) - Prince Max Hangerliu
Ecaterina Teodoroiu(1978) - Dr. Muresan
Intre oglinzi paralele(1978) - Gheorghidiu
Ahead of the Silence(1978) - Iancu
Tufa de Venetia(1977)
Shootings Under the Moonlight(1977) - Securitate lieutenant Vasilache
Iarba verde de acasa(1977) - Metes
Marele singuratic(1977)
Oaspeti de seara(1976) - Jianu
Trei zile si trei nopti(1976) - Pavel Dunca
Instanta amîna pronuntarea(1976) - Tiberiu Moga
Casa de la miezul noptii(1976) - Dinu Valentin
Dincolo de pod(1976) - Preotul Codreanu
extrema urgenta(1974) - Werner von Richter
Robinson Crusoe(1974) - Robinson Crusoe (voice)
Portile albastre ale orasului(1974) - tunarul Serbanescu
Despre o anumita fericire(1973) - Liviu Filimon
Printre colinele verzi(1971)
Balada pentru Mariuca(1969)
Diminetile unui baiat cuminte(1967) - Romache
Forest of the Hanged(1965) - Petre Petre
Comoara din Vadul Vechi(1964) - Ion Dohotaru


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