Руфъс Райт (Rufus Wright)

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1975-0-0 - England, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Руфъс Райт (Rufus Wright)

Всички филми и роли на Руфъс Райт (Rufus Wright)

Актьор - Shetland(Сериал)(2021) - Dr. Darren Bedford / Darren Bedford
Operation Mincemeat(2021) - Lt. Bill Jewell
Doctors(Сериал)(2007-2021) - Dave Mercer / Russell Redmond / James Maslin
Assassin's Creed Valhalla(Видео Игра)(2020)
Pennyworth(Сериал)(2019) - Duke of Windermere
8 Days: To the Moon and Back(2019) - Neil Armstrong
Manhunt(Сериал)(2019) - Andrew Hadik
Blue Iguana(2018) - Katherine's Ex
Together(2018/I) - Dr. Ellis
Homefront(Сериал)(2017) - Charles Summer
Star Wars: Battlefront II(Видео Игра)(2017) - Voice Talent (voice)
The Watcher in the Woods(2017) - Paul Carstairs
Outlander(Сериал)(2017) - Captain Lewis
War Machine(2017) - Frank Groom
Assassin's Creed(2016) - Alex
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story(2016) - Lieutenant Casido
Arcadia(2016/I) - Ryder
Battlefield 1(Видео Игра)(2016)
Harley and the Davidsons(Мини Сериал)(2016) - CH Lang
Maigret(Сериал)(2016) - Minister Morel
Narcopolis(2015) - Mason
45 Years(2015) - Jake
Miranda(Сериал)(2010-2014) - Vicar
The Face of an Angel(2014) - William
Lucan(Мини Сериал)(2013) - Younger John Burke
Elementary(Сериал)(2013) - Lawrence Pendry
The Audience(2013) - David Cameron
Foyle's War(Сериал)(2013) - Dr. Ian Ross
Crysis 3(Видео Игра)(2013) - CELL FOUR (voice)
Little Crackers(Сериал)(2012) - Art Director
EastEnders(Сериал)(2012) - D.S. Crisp
New Tricks(Сериал)(2011) - D.I. Mathew Hornby
Swinging with the Finkels(2011) - Rufas
North by Northamptonshire(2011)
White Van Man(Сериал)(2011) - Jeremy
15 Seconds(Късометражен)(2010) - Ben
Xenoblade Chronicles(Видео Игра)(2010) - Kallian (English version
The Special Relationship(2010) - British Journalist
Five Daughters(Мини Сериал)(2010) - Arresting Officer
The Thick of It(Сериал)(2009) - Gavin Boyes
Taking the Flak(Сериал)(2009) - Clive Haslam
Quantum of Solace(2008) - Treasury Agent
The Bill(Сериал)(2008) - DS Ronnie Mayhew
Christie(2008) - Bill Godfrey
Fanny Hill(Мини Сериал)(2007) - Mr. Norbert
Extras(Сериал)(2006) - Fran
The Quatermass Experiment(2005) - Understudy
Days That Shook the World(Сериал)(Документална поредица)(2004) - First White House Guard
Iron Jawed Angels(2004) - Confederate Veteran
P.O.W.(Сериал)(2003) - Doctor Evans
The Prosecutors: In Pursuit of Justice(Сериал)(2002)
The Secret(Сериал)(2002) - Priest
Spy Game(2001) - Folger's Secretary
Bomber(2000) - Capt. Hugh Smith
Boyz Unlimited(Сериал)(1999) - Male Journalist


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