Наталия Тена (Natalia Tena)

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1984-11-1 - London, England, UK

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Наталия Тена (Natalia Tena)

Всички филми и роли на Наталия Тена (Natalia Tena)

Актриса - Up on the Roof - Emily
John Wick: Chapter 4(2023) - Katia
Borderline(2022/I) - Joan
Wolfe(Сериал)(2021) - Val Kinteh
Baby(2020/II) - Albinoa
Sangre(2020) - Gabriela
Te quiero
imbécil(2020) - Raquel
The Mandalorian(Сериал)(2019) - Xi'an
Origin(Сериал)(2018) - Lana Pierce
Wisdom of the Crowd(Сериал)(2017-2018) - Sara Morton
Anchor and Hope(2017) - Kat
Amar(2017) - Merche
Game of Thrones(Сериал)(2011-2016) - Osha
FishWitch(Късометражен)(2016) - Tootega (voice)
SuperBob(2015) - Dorris
The Refugees(Сериал)(2014-2015) - Emma
Vale(Късометражен)(2015/I) - Claudia
One Two(Мини Сериал)(2015) - Nat
Residue(Мини Сериал)(2015) - Jennifer Preston
Residue(2015) - Jennifer Preston
Maddy Burns in Hell(Късометражен)(2014) - Maddy Burns
Black Mirror(Сериал)(2014) - Jennifer
10.000 Km(2014) - Alex
50 Kisses(2014) - Leila (segment "Enough")
Ambassadors(Сериал)(2013) - Tanya
Skirt(Късометражен)(2012) - Her
Falcón(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Cristina Ferrera
Shameless(Сериал)(2012) - Aparecida
Bel Ami(2012) - Rachel the Prostitute
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2(2011) - Nymphadora Tonks
Tonight You're Mine(2011) - Morello
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1(2010) - Nymphadora Tonks
Ways to Live Forever(2010) - Annie
Womb(2010) - Rose
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince(2009) - Nymphadora Tonks
The Story of an Every Day Evey(Късометражен)(2009) - Evey
Lezione 21(2008) - Thomson
The 11th Commandment(Късометражен)(2007) - Miss Rowland
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(Видео Игра)(2007) - Nymphadora Tonks (voice
as Nat Tena)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix(2007) - Nymphadora Tonks
Battleground: The Art of War(Сериал)(2006)
Afterlife(Сериал)(2006) - Gemma Taylor
Mrs. Henderson Presents(2005) - Peggy
The Fine Art of Love: Mine Ha-Ha(2005) - Vera
Doctors(Сериал)(2005) - Amy Emerson
Delusions of Grandeur(2004) - Suzy
The Murder Room(Мини Сериал)(2004)
About a Boy(2002) - Ellie (as Nat Gastiain Tena)


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