Реймънд Джей Бари (Raymond J. Barry)

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March 14, 1939 - Hempstead, Long Island, New York, USA

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Всички филми на Реймънд Джей Бари (Raymond J. Barry)

Всички филми и роли на Реймънд Джей Бари (Raymond J. Barry)

Актьор - The Dancing Bull - Ted
Killed Twice in Texas - Preacher Daniels
The Nostradamus Descendants(Сериал)(2023) - Nostradamus
Gimme My Money - Pops
Filthy Animals(2022) - Lester
The Phantoms(2022) - Dr. Everland
Hart Blvd. - Granddad
Snowfall(Сериал)(2022) - Old Man James
Hustle Down(2021) - Jefe
Made in Chinatown(2021) - Sean O'Greedy
Free Byrd(2021) - Harry Byrd
13 Reasons Why(Сериал)(2019) - Harrison Chatham
The Gifted(Сериал)(2017-2018) - Otto Strucker
Shooter(Сериал)(2018) - August Russo
White Orchid(2018) - Caretaker
Burn(Сериал)(2017) - Derrick Harrington
Ice(Сериал)(2016-2017) - Isaac Green
The Dot Man(2017) - General Boyt
No Postage Necessary(2017) - Jack
You're the Worst(Сериал)(2017) - Burt
Gotham(Сериал)(2017) - The Shaman
Training Day(Сериал)(2017) - Lou Jacobs
Feud(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Hal LeSueur
Desolation(2016/III) - Father Bill
Brave New Jersey(2016) - Captain Ambrose P. Collins
Day of Reckoning(2016/I) - Ted
Ray Donovan(Сериал)(2016) - Dmitri
The Purge: Election Year(2016) - Leader Caleb Warrens
Sleep with Me(2015) - Henry
LA Apocalypse(2015) - Major Gray
Winter Light(Късометражен)(2015) - Roger Guidry
The 100(Сериал)(2014-2015) - President Dante Wallace
Justified(Сериал)(2010-2015) - Arlo Givens
3 Days to Kill(2014) - CIA Employee
Grey's Anatomy(Сериал)(2013) - Gene Steers
The Devil's in the Details(2013) - Richard Conrad
New Girl(Сериал)(2012) - Older Nick
The Yellow Wallpaper(2012/II) - Dr. Jack Everland
The Closer(Сериал)(2011) - George Dorsey
The River Murders(2011) - Trent Verdon
Law & Order: Criminal Intent(Сериал)(2011) - Johnny Eames
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(Сериал)(2002-2011) - Arvin Thorpe / Dr. Phillip Gerard
Across the Line: The Exodus of Charlie Wright(2010) - Borlec
NCIS: Los Angeles(Сериал)(2010) - Branston Cole / Bernstrom Kohl
The Hammer(2010) - Stanley Leroy McCoy
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2010) - Mr. Hankett
Cold Case(Сериал)(2008-2010) - Paul Cooper
Set Apart(2009) - Will Lantis
The Order(Късометражен)(2009)
The Shortcut(2009) - Old Man / Ivor Hartley (as Raymond Barry)
The Cleaner(Сериал)(2008-2009) - Bill Banks
The Making of 'Charlie Valentine': Behind the Scenes with Michael Weatherly(Късометражен)(2009) - Charlie Valentine
The Hitmen Diaries: Charlie Valentine(2009) - Charlie Valentine
Lost(Сериал)(2009) - Ray Shephard
The Candlelight Murders(2008) - Dr. Joel Sheinbaum
Hotel California(2008) - Dmitri
American Crude(2008) - Mr. Grand (as Raymond Barry)
Welcome to the Captain(Сериал)(2008) - The General
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story(2007) - Pa Cox
Bobby Z(2007) - Stanley (as Raymond Barry)
Flight of the Living Dead(2007) - Captain Ray Banyon (as Raymond Barry)
Slumberland(2006) - Harry
Little Children(2006) - Bullhorn Bob
Mystery Woman(Сериал)(2006) - Reverend Tucker
Steel City(2006) - Vic Lee
A Life in Suitcases(2005) - Stephan Figura
Law & Order(Сериал)(2005) - Robert Dolan
Crossing Jordan(Сериал)(2005) - Mr. Nicholas
Alias(Сериал)(2004) - Senator George Reed
The Tulse Luper Suitcases
Part 2: Vaux to the Sea(2004) - Stephan Figura
The Tulse Luper Suitcases: Antwerp(2003) - Stephen Figura
The Tulse Luper Suitcases
Part 1: The Moab Story(2003) - Stephan Figura
Dragnet(Сериал)(2003) - Sgt. Gil Thorn
Just Married(2003) - Mr. Leezak
Nevada(Сериал)(2002) - Dwight Sloman / D'Wight Sloman
Interview with the Assassin(2002) - Walter Ohlinger
UC: Undercover(Сериал)(2002) - Nathan Dubinsky
New Port South(2001) - Edwards (as Raymond Barry)
Training Day(2001) - Lou Jacobs
The Deep End(2001) - Carlie Nagel (as Raymond Barry)
Hyperion Bay(Сериал)(1998-1999) - Frank Sweeny / Frank Sweeney
The X-Files(Сериал)(1994-1999) - Senator Richard Matheson
Four Corners(Сериал)(1998) - Sam Haskell
Wind on Water(Сериал)(1998) - Sam Connolly
Return to Paradise(1998) - Sheriff's Father (uncredited)
Eating Las Vegas(Късометражен)(1997) - Gay Boon
Flubber(1997) - Chester Hoenicker (as Raymond Barry)
Best Men(1997) - Hoover
Mad City(1997) - Dobbins
The Chamber(1996) - Rollie Wedge / Donnie Cayhall (as Raymond Barry)
Dead Man Walking(1995) - Earl Delacroix
Sudden Death(1995) - Vice President
Headless Body in Topless Bar(1995) - Man
Melrose Place(Сериал)(1994) - Vince Connors
The Ref(1994) - Huff
Frasier(Сериал)(1994) - Pool Player
Fugitive Nights: Danger in the Desert(1993) - Jack Graves
Cool Runnings(1993) - Kurt Hemphill
Falling Down(1993) - Captain Yardley
Between Love and Hate(1993) - Charles Templeton
L.A. Law(Сериал)(1992) - Aaron Alner
Rapid Fire(1992) - Agent Stuart
Tales from the Crypt(Сериал)(1992) - Joe Garrett
The Turning(1992) - Mark Harnish
Two-Fisted Tales(1992) - Garrett (segment "King of the Road")
K2(1991) - Claiborne
Nothing But Trouble(1991) - Mark
December Bride(1990) - Petey (as Raymond Barry)
Drug Wars: The Camarena Story(Мини Сериал)(1990) - Jack Lawn
Born on the Fourth of July(1989) - Mr. Kovic
Daddy's Boys(1988) - Daddy
Cop(1988) - Captain Fred Gaffney
The Oldest Rookie(Сериал)(1987-1988) - Lt. Marco Zaga
Three for the Road(1987) - Senator Kitteredge
It's a Living(Сериал)(1987) - Buddy Ricardo
Out of Bounds(1986) - Hurley
Slow Burn(1986) - Gerald McMurty
Playing for Keeps(1986) - Mr. Hatcher - Chloe's Father
Scarecrow and Mrs. King(Сериал)(1985) - Capt. Ted Ronson
Year of the Dragon(1985) - Louis Bukowski (as Ray Barry)
Insignificance(1985) - Ballplayer's Father
The Face of Rage(1983)
Christmas Evil(1980) - Detective Gleason (as Ray Barry)
I Don't Like It Like This(1978) - Tony
An Unmarried Woman(1978) - Edward
Sur Faces(1977)
The Goodbye Girl(1977) - Richard III Cast (as Ray Barry)
Between the Lines(1977) - Herbert Fisk

Мини Биография

Реймънд Джей Бари е роден в Ню Йорк и учи в университета Браун, където е звезда във футбола, баскетбола и леката атлетика. По време на обучението си получава диплома по философия и като студент участва в постановката "Пикник", където играе футболист. След това постъпва в Йейлското театрално училище и след като го завършва, играе в пиесата "Листопадци" на Бродуей. Участвал е в над 100 пиеси и се е снимал във филми като "Dead Man Walking" (1995), "Внезапна смърт" (1995) и "The Chamber" (1996). - И.И. превод


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