Иван Е. Рот (Ivan E. Roth)

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1957-12-12 - USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Иван Е. Рот (Ivan E. Roth)

Всички филми и роли на Иван Е. Рот (Ivan E. Roth)

Актьор - Ride Me(1994) - Eric Stone
Tales from the Crypt(Сериал)(1993) - The Mummy
Live Wire(1992) - Process Server
Crack Me Up(1991) - Reed
Love $ Greed(1991) - Walter Fisk
Lana in Love(1991) - Phil Barton
Ricochet(1991) - City Hall Worker
K-9000(1990) - Danny
The Edge(Сериал)(1989) - Billy Burns
Freeway(1988) - Paramedic #1
Dead Heat(1988) - End Zombie
Blue Monkey(1987) - The Creature
Hollywood Zap(1986) - Tucker "Downer" Downs
Night of the Creeps(1986) - Psycho Zombie
3:15 the Moment of Truth(1986) - Freak
Night of the Comet(1984) - Willy
Legmen(Сериал)(1984) - Driver
Get Crazy(1983) - Electric Larry (uncredited)
Robot Monster: Special Edition(1982) - The Director (as Ivan Roth)
Knight Rider(Сериал)(1982) - Fast Food Kid
Arnold's Wrecking Co.(1973) - Kenny (as a child) (as Ivan Roth)


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