Питър Уиър (Peter Weir)

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1944-8-21 - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Питър Уиър (Peter Weir)

Всички филми и роли на Питър Уиър (Peter Weir)

Актьор - Homesdale(1971) - Robert 2
Man on a Green Bike(1969) - Technology / Mayor of Cadmium
Count Vim's Last Exercise(Кратък телевизионен филм)(1968)
The Life and Times of the Reverend Buck Shotte(1968)

Режисьор: The Way Back(2010/I)
Peter Weir: Short Film Collection(2005)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World(2003)
The Truman Show(1998)
Green Card(1990)
Dead Poets Society(1989)
The Mosquito Coast(1986)
The Year of Living Dangerously(1982)
The Plumber(1979)
The Last Wave(1977)
Luke's Kingdom(1976)
Three Workshop Films(1975)
Picnic at Hanging Rock(1975)
The Cars That Ate Paris(1974)
Whatever Happened to Green Valley?(1973)
3 Directions in Australian Pop Music: Australian Colour Diary 43(1972)
Boat Building(1972)
Incredible Floridas(1972)
The Billiard Room(1972)
The Computer Centre(1972)
The Field Day(1972)
Three to Go(1971)
Stirring the Pool(1969)
Man on a Green Bike(1969)
Count Vim's Last Exercise(1968)
The Life and Times of the Reverend Buck Shotte(1968)


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