Дейвид Айснер (David Eisner)

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1958-3-3 - Toronto, Canada

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Всички филми на Дейвид Айснер (David Eisner)

Всички филми и роли на Дейвид Айснер (David Eisner)

Актьор - Less Than Kosher(Сериал)(2022) - Rabbi Morris
Transplant(Сериал)(2022) - Ray Grisholm
See(Сериал)(2021) - Ambassador Scopus
Mrs. America(Мини Сериал)(2020) - Martin Abzug
Run This Town(2019) - Phil
Suits(Сериал)(2019) - Board Member
Saving Hope(Сериал)(2016) - Dr. Stroman
Remedy(Сериал)(2015) - Dr. Graeme Kane
King(Сериал)(2012) - Dr. Stanton
Titanic(Мини Сериал)(2012) - Benjamin Guggenheim
Three Inches(2011) - Track Suit
Flashpoint(Сериал)(2011) - Adrian Hayes
Living in Your Car(Сериал)(2010) - Dr. Stan Minksy
The Line(Сериал)(2009) - Therapist
Will You Merry Me?(2008) - Marvin Fine
The State Within(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Sam Levinson
Covert One: The Hades Factor(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Professor Allen Carey
This Is Wonderland(Сериал)(2006)
Swarmed(2005) - David Orsow
Left Behind III: World at War(2005) - Chief of Staff Allan Campbell
Confessions of an American Bride(2005) - Rabbi Kaplan
Do No Harm(Късометражен)(2005) - Dr. Bruelsmann
Choice: The Henry Morgentaler Story(2005) - Dr. Henry Morgentaler
Blue Murder(Сериал)(2001-2004) - Dr. Brian Lukowich
Taking Lives(2004) - Committee Head
Bury the Lead(Сериал)(2004)
Doc(Сериал)(2004) - Coach Monahan
Texas(2003) - Mike Bradford
Odyssey 5(Сериал)(2003) - Dr. Hammond
Martin and Lewis(2002) - Lew Wasserman
Earth: Final Conflict(Сериал)(2002) - Hybird
Two Against Time(2002) - Dr. Cooper
The 5th Quadrant(Сериал)(2002) - Roy Sullivan
Jenifer(2001) - Impatient Passenger
Soul Food(Сериал)(2001) - Norman Spicer
Chasing Cain(2001) - Lloyd
The Familiar Stranger(2001) - Robert Becker
Joan: The Women of Camelot(2001) - Schiff
Passengers(Късометражен)(2000/I) - Father
Bless the Child(2000) - Dr. Ben
Steal This Movie(2000) - William Kuntsler
PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal(Сериал)(1999) - Sidney Fineman
Twice in a Lifetime(Сериал)(1999) - Dr. Dan Brickner
Ricky Nelson: Original Teen Idol(1999) - Dan Cohen
Judgment Day: The Ellie Nesler Story(1999) - Inmate Advocate
Total Recall 2070(Сериал)(1999) - Vereen
Rescuers: Stories of Courage: Two Couples(1998) - Brecht (segment "Aart and Johtje Vos")
The Last Don II(Мини Сериал)(1998) - Frankie's Lawyer
My Hometown(Сериал)(1997)
Good Will Hunting(1997) - Executive #3
Let Me Call You Sweetheart(1997) - Barney Haskell
Time to Say Goodbye?(1997) - Justis
Extreme Measures(1996) - Guy's Lawyer
Shock Treatment(1995) - Jake's Dad
Cagney & Lacey: The View Through the Glass Ceiling(1995) - Paul Bustany
Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story(1995) - Washington floor manager
Forever Knight(Сериал)(1995) - Fred Berman
Butterbox Babies(1995) - Mr. Kellerman
Due South(Сериал)(1994) - Dr. Howard
Trial by Jury(1994) - Melman
Street Legal(Сериал)(1991-1993) - Harry Schreiber / Barry Schreiber / Salesman Bob
Woman on Trial: The Lawrencia Bembenek Story(1993) - Ron Lester
Counterstrike(Сериал)(1993) - Stan Moore
This Is My Life(1992) - Oliver
To Catch a Killer(Мини Сериал)(1992) - Williams
Family Reunion(1988) - Benjie
Alfred Hitchcock Presents(Сериал)(1988) - Gordon Blake
T and T(Сериал)(1988) - Doctor
A New Life(1988) - Billy
Hangin' In(Сериал)(1981-1987) - Michael Difalco
The Paper Chase(Сериал)(1986)
Highway to Heaven(Сериал)(1986) - Todd Worton
Samson and Delilah(1984) - Arin (as David S. Eisner)
Happy Birthday to Me(1981) - Rudi
Phobia(1980) - Johnny Venuti
The Littlest Hobo(Сериал)(1979) - Sly
King of Kensington(Сериал)(1977-1979) - Guido / Wally
Running(1979) - Man in Unemployment Office


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