Колин Уилкокс Пакстън (Collin Wilcox Paxton)

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1935-2-4 - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Колин Уилкокс Пакстън (Collin Wilcox Paxton)

Всички филми и роли на Колин Уилкокс Пакстън (Collin Wilcox Paxton)

Актриса - A Touch of Fate(2003) - Mrs. Kline
Carriers(1998) - Martha Collin
American Gothic(Сериал)(1998) - Mrs. Gardner
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil(1997) - Woman at Party
The Crying Child(1996) - Rachel Martin
Twisted Desire(1996) - Rose Stanton (as Collin Wilcox-Paxton)
The Journey of August King(1995) - Mina
Christy(Сериал)(1994-1995) - Swannie O'Teale
Fluke(1995) - Bella
Death in Small Doses(1995)
The Portrait(1993) - Chancellor
Wildflower(1991) - Bessie Morgan
Foxfire(1987) - Madge Burton
Marie(1985) - Virginia
Under This Sky(1979) - Susan B. Anthony
A Rainy Day(Късометражен)(1979) - Mother (as Collin Wilcox)
Jaws 2(1978) - Dr. Elkins (as Collin Wilcox)
Little House on the Prairie(Сериал)(1977) - Beth Novak
September 30
1955(1977) - Jimmy J.'s Mother (as Collin Wilcox)
Hunter(Сериал)(1977) - Mrs. Reed
Quincy M.E.(Сериал)(1977) - Martha Harrison
Bert D'Angelo/Superstar(Сериал)(1976) - Nancy Rosing
Movin' On(Сериал)(1976) - Annie Beanvil
Medical Story(Сериал)(1975)
The Lives of Jenny Dolan(1975) - Mrs. Owens (as Collin Wilcox-Horn)
The Family Holvak(Сериал)(1975) - Ella Vane
The Manhunter(Сериал)(1975) - Ellen Cantwell
Columbo(Сериал)(1974) - Ruth Stafford
A Cry in the Wilderness(1974) - Bess Millard (as Collin Wilcox-Horne)
Cannon(Сериал)(1972-1974) - Vera Marks / Phyllis
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman(1974) - Mistress Bryant (as Collin Wilcox-Horne)
The Man Who Could Talk to Kids(1973) - Honor Lassiter
The Streets of San Francisco(Сериал)(1973) - Katherine 'Kate' Evans
Owen Marshall
Counselor at Law(Сериал)(1973) - Mrs. Madovan
Gunsmoke(Сериал)(1972) - Bess Frye
Circle of Fear(Сериал)(1972) - Molly Cameron
The Waltons(Сериал)(1972) - Reverend Ethel Prissom
Banyon(Сериал)(1972) - Ella Fisher
Ironside(Сериал)(1972) - Elizabeth Flanders
Longstreet(Сериал)(1972) - Verna
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors(Сериал)(1971) - Maxine Chandler
Medical Center(Сериал)(1971) - Claudia Welsley
Jump(1971) - April Mae (as Collin Wilcox-Horne)
The Immortal(Сериал)(1970) - Clarice Evans
The Baby Maker(1970) - Suzanne (as Collin Wilcox-Horne)
The Revolutionary(1970) - Ann (as Collin Wilcox-Horne)
Catch-22(1970) - Nurse Cramer (as Collin Wilcox-Horne)
The Sound of Anger(1968) - Ann Kochek (as Collin Wilcox)
Death Valley Days(Сериал)(1968) - Sage Madison
The Name of the Game Is Kill!(1968) - Diz Terry (as Collin Wilcox)
Judd for the Defense(Сериал)(1968) - Vicky Anderson
The Virginian(Сериал)(1967) - Sarah Keogh
The Felony Squad(Сериал)(1967) - Ellie Walker
The Road West(Сериал)(1967) - Frances
The F.B.I.(Сериал)(1966-1967) - Hanna / Stella
The Fugitive(Сериал)(1965-1966) - Mary Turner / Laura McElvey
Run for Your Life(Сериал)(1966) - Lisa Rand
The Long
Hot Summer(Сериал)(1966) - Katy Douglas
The Defenders(Сериал)(1962-1965) - Marilyn Andrews / Rita Bernard / Elinor Stafford
The Doctors and the Nurses(Сериал)(1965) - Nancy Landau
The Alfred Hitchcock Hour(Сериал)(1964-1965) - Selina / Thedy Sue Hill
Ben Casey(Сериал)(1964) - Susan Morgan
The Twilight Zone(Сериал)(1964) - Marilyn Cuberle
The Great Adventure(Сериал)(1964) - Elizabeth Cross
Route 66(Сериал)(1964) - Diana
The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters(Сериал)(1963) - Emmy
Temple Houston(Сериал)(1963) - Dorris Chevenix
Dr. Kildare(Сериал)(1962-1963) - Lorena Henty / Winona Pine
To Kill a Mockingbird(1962) - Mayella Violet Ewell (as Collin Wilcox)
The Eleventh Hour(Сериал)(1962) - Angela Crain
The Untouchables(Сериал)(1962) - Francie Pavanos / Ann Gratzner
Play of the Week(Сериал)(1960) - Mary
Dow Hour of Great Mysteries(Сериал)(1960)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents(Сериал)(1959) - Julie
Brenner(Сериал)(1959) - Elizabeth Joplin
The DuPont Show of the Month(Сериал)(1958) - Frankie Addams
Kraft Theatre(Сериал)(1957)
Twice Upon a Time(1953) - Ian


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