Джонас Талкингтън (Jonas Talkington)

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1976-11-7 - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

Wikipedia IMDB Видео Снимки

Всички филми на Джонас Талкингтън (Jonas Talkington)

Всички филми и роли на Джонас Талкингтън (Jonas Talkington)

Актьор - For Better or Worse(2022) - Aaron Applebottom
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard(2021) - Male Reporter
Action(2020/I) - John Keller
211(2018) - ER Doctor
Rage(Късометражен)(2018/II) - Snake
Bar Tricks(2016) - Dr. Buckley
Firequake(2014) - Reporter
Sleeping Beauty(2014/II) - Steward Jonas
Apocalypse Pompeii(2014) - Paul
Enemies Closer(2013) - ICE Leader
Supercollider(2013) - White House Reporter
Seven Hours Difference(Сериал)(2011-2013) - Agent John Smith
Spiders(2013) - EMT
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter(2012) - Coroner
Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness(2012) - Evil Technician (uncredited)
The Task(2011) - Clown
Annihilation Earth(2009) - Helicopter Pilot (uncredited)
Cargo: Innocence Lost(2008) - Customer
Boogeyman 3(2008) - Police Officer
Forecast(2008) - Communications Officer
Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke(2007) - William Stark
Harpies(2007) - Garek
Lake Placid 2(2007) - Cal
Until Death(2007) - Doctor 2 (as Jona Talkington)
Basilisk: The Serpent King(2006) - National Guard Engineer #1
The Contract(2006) - Paramedic
Scorpius Gigantus(2006) - Burke
Dragon Dynasty(2006) - Lorenzo
S.S. Doomtrooper(2006) - Corporal Johnson
Magma: Volcanic Disaster(2006) - Stephen Daugherty
Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil(2006) - Radar Man
Manticore(2005) - Mouth
Path of Destruction(2005) - Mount Weather Tech
Icon(2005) - British SS Agent (uncredited)
Shade of Pale(2005) - Bartender
Submerged(2005) - Moss
Man with the Screaming Brain(2005) - Larry
Alien Apocalypse(2005) - Bounty Hunter 3
Alien Siege(2005) - SCIT Guard
Raging Sharks(2005) - Jonas
Mansquito(2005) - SWAT Leader
Svetlana's Journey(Късометражен)(2004) - Customer (uncredited)
Control(2004) - Pharmacist
Raptor Island(2004) - Radar Technician
Phantom Force(2004) - Sonar Technician
Boa vs. Python(2004) - Deputy
Post Impact(2004) - Airplane Soldier #3 (uncredited)
Nemesis of the Roman Empire(Видео Игра)(2003)
Dark Waters(2003) - Seaman Andrews
Shark Zone(2003) - Corde
Air Marshal(2003) - Morales
Fire Over Afghanistan(2003) - Mexican chopper Pilot / Radio tower (voice


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