Джорджия Хейл (Georgia Hale)

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1900-6-25 - St. Joseph, Missouri, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Джорджия Хейл (Georgia Hale)

Всички филми и роли на Джорджия Хейл (Georgia Hale)

Актриса - The Lightning Warrior(1931) - Dianne La Farge
The Floating College(1928) - Frances Bixby
Gypsy of the North(1928) - Alice Culhane
A Trick of Hearts(1928) - Connie Meade
The Last Moment(1928) - Second Wife
The Rawhide Kid(1928) - Jessica Silverberg
A Woman Against the World(1928) - Carol Hill
The Wheel of Destiny(1927)
Hills of Peril(1927) - Ellen
Man of the Forest(1926) - Nancy Raynor
The Great Gatsby(1926) - Myrtle Wilson
The Rainmaker(1926) - Nell Wendell
The Gold Rush(1925) - Georgia
The Salvation Hunters(1925) - The Girl
His Marriage Wow(Късометражен)(1925) - Bridesmaid (unconfirmed
For Sale(1924) - Dancer (uncredited)
No More Women(1924) - Marjorie (uncredited)


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