Уорнър Ричмънд (Warner Richmond)

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1886-1-11 - Racine, Wisconsin, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Уорнър Ричмънд (Warner Richmond)

Всички филми и роли на Уорнър Ричмънд (Warner Richmond)

Актьор - Wild West(1946) - Judge Templeton
Colorado Serenade(1946) - Dad Dillon
Outlaw Trail(1944) - Judd Hansen
Rainbow Over the Range(1940) - Gene Griffin
The Golden Trail(1940) - Henchman Chris
Pals of the Silver Sage(1940) - Sheriff
Rhythm of the Rio Grande(1940) - Buck
Fighting Mad(1939) - Henchman Trigger
The Oregon Trail(1939) - General Sherman [Ch.1] (uncredited)
Trigger Smith(1939) - Gallop
Water Rustlers(1939) - Wiley (as Warner Richman)
Wild Horse Canyon(1938) - Travers
Prairie Moon(1938) - Mullins
The Singing Cowgirl(1938) - Henchman Garrick
Six-Shootin' Sheriff(1938) - Ace Kendal
Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars(1938) - Zandar
The Secret of Treasure Island(1938) - Capt. Tom Stanton
alias Capt. Tom Faxton [Ch.1]
Child Bride(1938) - Jake Bolby
Wallaby Jim of the Islands(1937) - Karl Haage
Richter Henchman
Federal Bullets(1937) - Burke - Henchman
Where Trails Divide(1937) - Mississippi Blackie Wilson
Stars Over Arizona(1937) - Ace Carter
Riders of the Dawn(1937) - Jim Danti
Doomed at Sundown(1937) - Jim Hatfield
The 13th Man(1937) - George Crandall
A Lawman Is Born(1937) - Kane Briscoe
The Gold Racket(1937) - Doc Johnson
Trail of Vengeance(1937) - Link Carson
Headin' for the Rio Grande(1936) - Ike Travis
Song of the Gringo(1936) - Henchman Cherokee
White Legion(1936) - Burke
In His Steps(1936) - Gavin
Missing Girls(1936) - Ray Hanson
Below the Deadline(1936) - Diamond Dutch
Wolves of the Sea(1936) - Snoden
Hearts in Bondage(1936) - Bucko (uncredited)
The Peppery Salt(Късометражен)(1936) - Old Man Vance - Shipowner
Heart of the West(1936) - Johnson
The Singing Vagabond(1935) - Buck LaCrosse
The Courageous Avenger(1935) - Gorman
The Fighting Marines(1935) - Metcalf - Henchman
Remember Last Night?(1935) - Policeman (uncredited)
The New Frontier(1935) - Ace Holmes
The Last Days of Pompeii(1935) - Captain of the Guard (uncredited)
Rainbow's End(1935) - Thomas Stark
Chinatown Squad(1935) - Detective (uncredited)
So Red the Rose(1935) - Confederate Sergeant
The Headline Woman(1935) - Henchman Bradley
Smokey Smith(1935) - Kent
Mississippi(1935) - Man at Bar Who Pulls a Gun (uncredited)
Straight from the Heart(1935) - Cop (uncredited)
The Phantom Empire(1935) - Rab
Under Pressure(1935) - Weasel
The Band Plays On(1934) - Lumberjack (uncredited)
Fugitive Lady(1934) - Saunders (uncredited)
Gift of Gab(1934) - Cop (uncredited)
Happy Landing(1934) - Powell
The Scarlet Empress(1934) - Castle Guard (uncredited)
The Lost Jungle(1934/I) - Sharkey
This Day and Age(1933) - Defense Attorney
Police Call(1933) - Sammy
Mama Loves Papa(1933) - The Radical
Life in the Raw(1933) - Harvey (H.B.) Lamson
The Man Who Dared(1933) - Neighborhood Hood (uncredited)
Corruption(1933) - Regan
Fast Workers(1933) - Feets Wilson
King of the Jungle(1933) - Gus (uncredited)
Hell's Highway(1932) - 'Pop-Eye' Jackson
Strangers of the Evening(1932) - Dr. Joseph Chandler
Night Court(1932) - Ed - Frame-Up Man (uncredited)
Scarface(1932) - Cesca's Dance Partner (uncredited)
The Beast of the City(1932) - Tom
The Woman from Monte Carlo(1932) - Fourdylis
Stung(Късометражен)(1931) - Racketeer
The Lone Starved Ranger(Късометражен)(1931) - The Bandit
Huckleberry Finn(1931) - Pap Finn
Quick Millions(1931) - 'Nails' Markey
Remote Control(1930) - Max (as Warner P. Richmond)
Billy the Kid(1930) - Bob Ballinger (as Warner P. Richmond)
Vengeance(Късометражен)(1930/II) - The Husband
Strictly Modern(1930) - Judge Bartlett
Men Without Women(1930) - Lt. Cmdr. Briddwell
Big News(1929) - Phelps - District Attorney's Man
Little Mother(Късометражен)(1929) - Father
Strange Cargo(1929) - Neil Stoker
The Redeeming Sin(1929) - Lupine
Stark Mad(1929) - First Mate
The Voice of the Storm(1929) - Dobbs
The Apache(1928) - Gaston Laroux
Shadows of the Night(1928) - Feagan
Stop That Man!(1928) - Jim O'Brien
You Can't Beat the Law(1928) - Bowery Blackie
The Crowd(1928) - Mr. Sims - John's Father (uncredited)
Hearts of Men(1928) - William Starke
Chicago(1927) - Assistant District Attorney
The Heart of Maryland(1927) - Capt. Fulton Thorpe
Irish Hearts(1927) - Emmett
White Flannels(1927) - Ed
Slide(1927) - CliffMacklin
Finger Prints(1927) - Andy 'Annie Laurie' Norton
The Fire Brigade(1926) - Jim O'Neil
Women Men Like(1926) - Ralph Mencken
Good and Naughty(1926) - Bad News Smith
The Wives of the Prophet(1926) - Ben Blake
The Pace That Thrills(1925) - Jack Van Loren
The Making of O'Malley(1925) - Danny the Dude
The Crowded Hour(1925) - Operator
Fear-Bound(1925) - Ed Tumble
Daughters of the Night(1924) - Lawyer Kilmaster
The Eve of the Revolution(Късометражен)(1924) - John Hancock
The Speed Spook(1924) - Jud Skerrit
The Declaration of Independence(Късометражен)(1924) - John Hancock
The Mark of the Beast(1923) - Donald Duncan
Luck(1923) - Pollard
The Man from Glengarry(1922) - Ronald MacDonald
The Challenge(1922/II) - Ralph Westley
Isle of Doubt(1922) - Gerry Patten
Jan of the Big Snows(1922) - Jan Allaire
Tol'able David(1921) - Allen Kinemon
The Heart of Maryland(1921) - Tom Boone
The Mountain Woman(1921) - Bud Sellers
A Woman's Business(1920) - Brookes
My Lady's Garter(1920) - Meredith
The Gray Towers Mystery(1919) - Jean Bautiste
A Romance of the Air(1918) - Undetermined role
Woman(1918) - Civil War Officer
Sporting Life(1918) - Joe Lee
Brown of Harvard(1918) - Claxton Madden
Fifty-Fifty(1916/I) - Dandy (as W.P. Richmond)
Manhattan Madness(1916) - Jack Osborne (uncredited)
Her Maternal Right(1916)
Betty of Greystone(1916)
The Great Divide(1915) - Dr. Newberry
The Social Law(Късометражен)(1915)
Lady Audley's Secret(1915/I) - Sir Michael Audley
The Seventh Commandment(Късометражен)(1915) - Amos Mitchell - Traveling Salesman
The Third Commandment(Късометражен)(1915) - Fane / Hess (as Warner T. Richmond)
Springtime(1914) - Crawley
The Mad Mountaineer(Късометражен)(1914) - The Sportsman
That College Life(Късометражен)(1913) - Collegian - Jack's Roommate (as Mr. Richmond)
Song of the Shell(Късометражен)(1912) - A Wealthy Admirer
A Modern Atalanta(Късометражен)(1912) - Bill - Second Suitor
The Godmother(Късометражен)(1912) - Dick - Second Boy


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