Чарлз К. Джерард (Charles K. Gerrard)

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1883-12-20 - Carlow, Ireland

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Всички филми на Чарлз К. Джерард (Charles K. Gerrard)

Всички филми и роли на Чарлз К. Джерард (Charles K. Gerrard)

Актьор - A Criminal at Large(1939) - Dr. Amersham
A Political Party(1934) - Mr. Whitman (uncredited)
If I Were Free(1933) - Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Facing the Music(1933)
Man About Town(1932) - Undetermined Role (as Charles Gerrard)
Devil's Lottery(1932) - Toaster (uncredited)
The Menace(1932) - Bailiff (as Charles Gerrard)
Always Goodbye(1931) - Bit Role (uncredited)
Dracula(1931) - Martin (as Charles Gerrard)
The Man Who Came Back(1931) - Gibson (uncredited)
The Lion and the Lamb(1931) - Bert (as Charles Gerrard)
Another Fine Mess(Късометражен)(1930) - Lord Leopold Ambrose Plumtree (uncredited)
Anybody's Woman(1930) - Walter Harvey
Journey's End(1930) - Pvt. Mason
Men Without Women(1930) - Cmdr. Weymouth (as Charles Gerrard)
Light Fingers(1929) - London Tower (as Charles Gerrard)
The Lone Wolf's Daughter(1929) - Count Polinac (as Charles Gerard)
Circumstantial Evidence(1929) - Henry Lord (as Charles Gerrard)
Romance of a Rogue(1928) - Leonard Hardingham (as Charles Gerrard)
Caught in the Fog(1928) - Crook
The Wright Idea(1928) - Mr. Roberts (as Charles Gerrard)
Ladies of the Night Club(1928)
The Port of Missing Girls(1928) - DeLeon (as Charles Gerard)
Home Made(1927) - Robert Van Dorn (as Charles Gerrard)
Painting the Town(1927) - Raymond Tyson (as Charles Gerrard)
Framed(1927) - Arthur Remsen
The Heart Thief(1927) - Count Lazlos (as Charles Gerrard)
Play Safe(1927) - Scott's son (as Charles Gerard)
The Cheerful Fraud(1926) - Steve (as Charles Gerrard)
For Wives Only(1926) - Dr. Carl Tanzer (as Charles Gerrard)
The Nervous Wreck(1926) - Reggie De Vere
The Better 'Ole(1926) - Maj. Russett (as Charles Gerrard)
Accused(1925) - Lait Rodman
The Wedding Song(1925) - Paul Glynn (as Charles Gerard)
The Man on the Box(1925) - Count Karaloff (as Charles Gerrard)
California Straight Ahead(1925) - Creighton Deane
Off the Highway(1925) - Hector Kindon (as Charles Gerard)
Circe the Enchantress(1924) - Ballard 'Bal' Barrett
Lilies of the Field(1924) - Ted Conroy (as Charles Gerrard)
Loving Lies(1924) - Tom Hayden (as Charles Gerrard)
Her Temporary Husband(1923) - Clarence Topping (as Charles Gerrard)
The Dangerous Maid(1923) - Sir Peter Dare (as Charles Gerrard)
Richard the Lion-Hearted(1923) - Sultan Saladin (as Charles Gerrard)
The Glimpses of the Moon(1923) - 'Streffy' (Lord Altringham) (as Charles Gerard)
The Darling of the Rich(1922) - Torrence Welch
Anna Ascends(1922) - Count Rostoff
Pawned(1922) - Dr. Crang (as Charles Gerard)
The Lights of New York(1922) - Jim Slade (as Charles Gerard)
When Knighthood Was in Flower(1922) - Sir Adam Judson (as Charles Gerard)
Sure-Fire Flint(1922) - Dipley Poole (as Charles Gerard)
Heroes and Husbands(1922) - Martin Tancray (as Charles Gerrard)
French Heels(1922) - Keith Merwyn (as Charles Gerard)
Conceit(1921) - Carl Richards
Sheltered Daughters(1921) - French Pete (as Charles Girard)
The Gilded Lily(1921) - John Stewart (as Charles Gerard)
Out of the Chorus(1921) - Ned Ormsby (as Charles Gerard)
The Passionate Pilgrim(1921) - Qualters (as Charles Gerard)
Blackbirds(1920) - Duval
The World and His Wife(1920) - Don Alvarez
Whispers(1920) - J. Dyke Summers (as Charles Gerrard)
Why Women Sin(1920) - Baron de Ville (as Charles Gerard)
Mary Ellen Comes to Town(1920) - William Gurson
aka 'Will the Weasel' (as Charles Gerrard)
Counterfeit(1919) - Vincent Cortez (as Charles Gerard)
The Teeth of the Tiger(1919) - Gordon Savage
The Isle of Conquest(1919) - Van Surdam
The New Moon(1919) - Theo Kameneff
The Pest(1919) - John Harland
Something to Do(1919) - Thompson (as Charles Gerrard)
Pettigrew's Girl(1919) - Hugh Varick
Venus in the East(1919) - Maddie Knox
She Hired a Husband(1918) - Gerald Grant
Beans(1918) - Wingate
The Hun Within(1918) - Karl Wagner
Playthings(1918) - Gordon Trenwith
The Demon(1918) - Tom Rearrdon (as Charles Gerard)
The Legion of Death(1918) - Grand Duke Orlof
The Fair Barbarian(1917) - Capt. Francis Barold (as Charlie Gerard)
Little Miss Optimist(1917) - Samuel Winter (as Charles Gerard)
Down to Earth(1917) - Charles Riddles - Ethel's Lover
A Woman's Awakening(1917) - Lawrence Topham (as Charles Gerard)
Melting Millions(1917) - Hamilton
The Heart of Texas Ryan(1917) - Sen. J. Murray Allison (uncredited)
The Plow Girl(1916) - Lord Percy Brentwood
The Country That God Forgot(1916) - Craig Wells (as Charles Gerrard)
Miss Petticoats(1916) - Count Renier
The Prince Chap(1916) - Jack Rodney
Earl of Huntington (as Charles Gerard)
His Brother's Wife(1916)


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