Сали О'Нийл (Sally O'Neil)

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1908-10-23 - Bayonne, New Jersey, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Сали О'Нийл (Sally O'Neil)

Всички филми и роли на Сали О'Нийл (Sally O'Neil)

Актриса - Kathleen(1937) - Kathleen O'Moore
Too Tough to Kill(1935) - Ann Miller
Convention Girl(1935) - Gracie Ward
Beggar's Holiday(1934) - Myrt Malloy
The Moth(1934) - Diana Wyman
Sixteen Fathoms Deep(1934) - Rosita
Ladies Must Love(1933) - Dot La Tour
By Appointment Only(1933) - Judy Carroll
Beauty on Broadway(Късометражен)(1933) - The Girl
The Brat(1931) - The Brat
Murder by the Clock(1931) - Jane
a Maid
Salvation Nell(1931) - Myrtle
Kathleen Mavourneen(1930) - Kathleen O'Connor
Sisters(1930) - Sally Malone
Hold Everything(1930) - Sue Burke
Girl of the Port(1930) - Josie
Show of Shows(1929) - Performer in 'What Became of the Floradora Boys' & 'Meet My Sister' Numbers
Broadway Scandals(1929) - Mary
Jazz Heaven(1929) - Ruth Morgan
The Sophomore(1929) - Margie Callahan
On with the Show!(1929) - Kitty (as Sally O'Neill)
Hardboiled(1929) - Teena Johnson (as Sally O'Neill)
The Girl on the Barge(1929) - Erie McCadden
Broadway Fever(1929) - Sally McAllister
The Floating College(1928) - Pat Bixby
The Battle of the Sexes(1928) - Ruth Judson
Bachelor's Paradise(1928) - Sally O'Day
Mad Hour(1928) - Cuddles (as Sally O'Neill)
The Lovelorn(1927) - Georgie Hastings
Becky(1927) - Rebecca O'Brien McCloskey
The Callahans and the Murphys(1927) - Ellen Callahan
Frisco Sally Levy(1927) - Sally Colleen Lapidowitz
Slide(1927) - Mary Munson
WAMPAS Baby Stars of 1926(Късометражен)(1926) - Sally O'Neil
45 Minutes from Hollywood(Късометражен)(1926) - Orville's Sister (as Sue O'Neil)
Battling Butler(1926) - The Mountain Girl
Don Key (Son of Burro)(Късометражен)(1926)
Fight Night(Късометражен)(1926) - Young Saleslady (uncredited)
Dizzy Daddies(Късометражен)(1926) - Ima Haig - Jonathan's Younger daughter (as Sue O'Neill)
The Hug Bug(Късометражен)(1926)
Wandering Papas(Късометражен)(1926) - Susie
the Hermit's Daughter (as Sue O'Neill)
Your Husband's Past(Късометражен)(1926)
The Auction Block(1926) - Bernice Lane
Long Pants(Късометражен)(1926) - Arabella (Fleming's Sister) (as Sue O'Neil)
Mike(1926) - Mike (as Sally O'Neill)
Flaming Flappers(Късометражен)(1925)
His Wooden Wedding(Късометражен)(1925) - Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Irene and Mary(1925) - Mary
Don't(1925) - Tracey Moffat
The Uneasy Three(Късометражен)(1925) - The Van Courtland Daughter (uncredited)
Nanette(Късометражен)(1925) - Nanette's Sister (as Sue O'Neill)


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