Теодор фон Елц (Theodore von Eltz)

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1893-11-5 - New Haven, Connecticut, USA

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Всички филми на Теодор фон Елц (Theodore von Eltz)

Всички филми и роли на Теодор фон Елц (Theodore von Eltz)

Актьор - The Unholy Wife(1957) - McNeil (uncredited)
Telephone Time(Сериал)(1956-1957) - Henry Corfield
The Ford Television Theatre(Сериал)(1954-1956) - Dr. Craig Landor / Dr. Harris
The Red Skelton Hour(Сериал)(1954) - Mr. Brady
The Abbott and Costello Show(Сериал)(1954) - Henry Dunn
The Loretta Young Show(Сериал)(1953) - Vincent
Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok(Сериал)(1953)
Affair with a Stranger(1953) - Mr. Culpepper (scenes deleted)
Raiders of the Seven Seas(1953) - Sultan's Chancellor (uncredited)
The Cases of Eddie Drake(Сериал)(1952) - Detective Lieutenant Walsh / Lt. Walsh
Mark Saber(Сериал)(1952) - Mr. Gaunt
Woodpecker in the Rough(Късометражен)(1952) - Various (voice
The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show(Сериал)(1952) - Mr. Ackerman / The Best Man
Racket Squad(Сериал)(1952) - Lawrence Miller
Painting the Clouds with Sunshine(1951) - Whiteside (uncredited)
Hollywood Opening Night(Сериал)(1951) - Doctor
Stars Over Hollywood(Сериал)(1951) - Doctor
Trial Without Jury(1950) - Philip Mannings (as Theodor von Eltz)
The Reformer and the Redhead(1950) - KWHE Radio Program Director (uncredited)
Devil's Cargo(1948) - Thomas Mallon
The Hucksters(1947) - Radio Voice (uncredited)
The Big Sleep(1946) - Arthur Gwynn Geiger (uncredited)
Saratoga Trunk(1945) - Hotel Manager (uncredited)
Rhapsody in Blue(1945) - Foley
Hollywood Canteen(1944) - Canteen Director (uncredited)
The Unwritten Code(1944) - Major Spencer (uncredited)
Since You Went Away(1944) - Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Bermuda Mystery(1944) - Lee Cooper (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Follow the Boys(1944) - William Barrett (uncredited)
The Bridge of San Luis Rey(1944) - Officer (uncredited)
Flight for Freedom(1943) - Cmdr. George (uncredited)
Air Force(1943) - First Lieutenant (uncredited)
Stand by for Action(1942) - Commander (uncredited)
Quiet Please: Murder(1942) - Lucas (uncredited)
The Man in the Trunk(1942) - Theodore Swann
Lady in a Jam(1942) - Dr. Elsworth (uncredited)
A Tragedy at Midnight(1942) - Third Charles Miller (uncredited)
The Great Man's Lady(1941) - Hank Allen (uncredited)
Sergeant York(1941) - Prison Camp Commander (uncredited)
I'll Wait for You(1941) - Cassell (as Theodore Von Eltz)
A Shot in the Dark(1941) - George Kilpatrick (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Ellery Queen's Penthouse Mystery(1941) - Jim Ritter
Play Girl(1941) - Mr. Hunter (uncredited)
Kitty Foyle(1940) - Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
The Great Plane Robbery(1940) - Rod Brothers
The Son of Monte Cristo(1940) - Captain
Life with Henry(1940) - Mr. Rappaport (uncredited)
The Old Swimmin' Hole(1940) - Baker
Grandpa's Lawyer
A Dispatch from Reuters(1940) - Actor in 'Our American Cousin' (uncredited)
The Saint Takes Over(1940) - Shipboard Card Cheat (uncredited)
Teddy the Rough Rider(Късометражен)(1940) - William Loeb
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet(1940) - Dr. Kraus (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Little Old New York(1940) - Washington Irving (as Theodore Von Eltz)
The Night of Nights(1939) - John (uncredited)
Legion of Lost Flyers(1939) - Bill Desert
Full Confession(1939) - Prosecutor (uncredited)
Fifth Avenue Girl(1939) - Terwilliger (as Theodor Von Eltz)
The Sun Never Sets(1939) - Delafons
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle(1939) - Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
They Made Her a Spy(1939) - Col. Page (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Inside Story(1939) - Whitey
Pardon Our Nerve(1939) - Lucky Carson
Persons in Hiding(1939) - Attorney Jenson (uncredited)
I Am the Law(1938) - Martin - Club Owner (uncredited)
Smashing the Rackets(1938) - Howard Ellis (uncredited)
Letter of Introduction(1938) - First Doctor - Midtown Hospital (uncredited)
Delinquent Parents(1938) - Carson
Marie Antoinette(1938) - Officer in Entrance Hall (uncredited)
The Adventures of Marco Polo(1938) - Venetian Business Man (uncredited)
Blondes at Work(1938) - District Attorney (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Fight for Your Lady(1937) - Wrestling Spectator (uncredited)
Stand-In(1937) - Sir Geoffrey - 'Sex and Satan' (uncredited)
The Westland Case(1937) - Robert Westland
Stage Door(1937) - Elsworth (uncredited)
Youth on Parole(1937) - Public Defender
The Firefly(1937) - Captain Pierlot (uncredited)
Topper(1937) - Hotel Manager
The Emperor's Candlesticks(1937) - Adjutant to Prince Johann (uncredited)
California Straight Ahead!(1937) - James Gifford
Jim Hanvey
Detective(1937) - Dunn (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Sea Devils(1937) - Court Martial Prosecutor (uncredited)
Clarence(1937) - Tobias
Criminal Lawyer(1937) - Larkin's Attorney (uncredited)
Under Cover of Night(1937) - John Lamont
A Man Betrayed(1936) - Burns (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Beloved Enemy(1936) - Sean O'Brien (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Mind Your Own Business(1936) - District Attorney Adams
Sinner Take All(1936) - David Lampier (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Under Your Spell(1936) - Cynthia's Lawyer (uncredited)
Adventure in Manhattan(1936) - John Ridley - Henchman (uncredited)
I Cover Chinatown(1936) - Clark Duryea
High Tension(1936) - Noble Harrison
Suzy(1936) - Revue Producer
Ticket to Paradise(1936) - George Small
Below the Deadline(1936) - Flash Ackroyd (as Theodore Von Eltz)
The Road to Glory(1936) - Major
Love Before Breakfast(1936) - Clerk (uncredited)
Magnificent Obsession(1935) - Dr. Preston
Rendezvous(1935) - Desk Clerk Assistant (uncredited)
3 Kids and a Queen(1935) - Federal Man (uncredited)
Confidential(1935) - Mr. Walsh (as Theodore Von Eltz)
His Night Out(1935) - Parsons
Streamline Express(1935)
Trails of the Wild(1935) - Inspector Kincaid (as Theo. Von Eltz)
Smart Girl(1935) - Fred Barton (uncredited)
The Murder Man(1935) - James Spencer Halford (uncredited)
The Headline Woman(1935) - Johnny 'Full House' Corinti
Behind the Green Lights(1935) - John C. Owen
Private Worlds(1935) - Dr. Harding
Grand Old Girl(1935) - Mr. George S. Webster (uncredited)
Bright Eyes(1934) - J. Wellington Smythe (as Theodor von Eltz)
The Silver Streak(1934) - Ed Tyler (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Elinor Norton(1934) - Army Officer (uncredited)
Call It Luck(1934) - Nat Underwood
Change of Heart(1934) - Gerald Mockby (as Theodor von Eltz)
Love Past Thirty(1934) - Charles Browne
This Side of Heaven(1934) - Doctor (uncredited)
Master of Men(1933) - Grenaker
Gigolettes of Paris(1933) - Albert Valraine
Dance(1933) - Phil Norton (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Arizona to Broadway(1933) - Hubert Wayne
Jennie Gerhardt(1933) - Robert Kane
Bondage(1933) - Member of Review Board (uncredited)
Kiss of Araby(1933) - Capt. J.G. Randall (as Theodor von Eltz)
Pleasure Cruise(1933) - Murchison
The Eleventh Commandment(1933) - Wayne Winters
High Gear(1933) - Larry 'Keyhole' Winston (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Secrets(1933) - Robert Carlton
Luxury Liner(1933) - Exl
Her Splendid Folly(1933) - Wallace Morley / John Ebbetts
No Other Woman(1933) - Sutherland (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Self Defense(1932) - Tim Reed
The Unwritten Law(1932) - Val Lewis
Breach of Promise(1932) - District Attorney
Red-Haired Alibi(1932) - Trent Travers
A Scarlet Week-End(1932) - The Husband
Drifting Souls(1932) - Joe Robson
Strangers of the Evening(1932) - Dr. Raymond Everette (as Theodor Von Eltz)
The Midnight Lady(1932) - Byron Crosby (as Theodor von Eltz)
Huddle(1932) - Mr. Pearson (uncredited)
The Wet Parade(1932) - Night Club Patron (uncredited)
Hotel Continental(1932) - Jim Bennett
A Private Scandal(1931) - Matthew Gray
Ladies of the Big House(1931) - Frazer
West of Broadway(1931) - Tony (uncredited)
Heartbreak(1931) - Military Prosecutor
Once a Lady(1931) - Harry Cosden
Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise)(1931) - Kemper (uncredited)
Wicked(1931) - Tony Rande
Five and Ten(1931) - Ramon (uncredited)
Up Pops the Devil(1931) - Gilbert Morrell
The Secret 6(1931) - District Attorney Keeler (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Beyond Victory(1931) - Major Sparks (as Theorore Von Eltz)
The Prodigal(1931) - Carter Jerome
Inspiration(1931) - Normand (uncredited)
The Cat Creeps(1930) - Harry Blythe
Kismet(1930) - The Guide Nazir
Love Among the Millionaires(1930) - William Jordan
Sweeping Against the Winds(1930)
The Divorcee(1930) - Ivan (uncredited)
The Arizona Kid(1930) - Dick Hoyt
The Furies(1930) - Lwen McDonald
The Very Idea(1929) - George Green
The Awful Truth(1929) - Edgar Trent
The Four Feathers(1929) - Lt. Castleton
The Voice of the Storm(1929) - Franklin Wells
The Rescue(1929) - Carter
Nothing to Wear(1928) - Phil Stanndish
Life's Mockery(1928) - Wade Fullerton
The Way of the Strong(1928) - Dan (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Should Tall Men Marry?(Късометражен)(1928) - Teddy (as Teddy von Eltz)
One Woman to Another(1927) - John Bruce
The Great Mail Robbery(1927) - Lieutenant Donald Macready
No Man's Law(1927) - Spider O'Day (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Perch of the Devil(1927) - Lord Mobray
Anything Once!(Късометражен)(1927) - Prince Chevalier
The Nickel-Hopper(Късометражен)(1926) - Jimmy Jessop
Paddy's Rich Beau
Redheads Preferred(1926) - John Morgan
Raggedy Rose(1926) - Undetermined Role (uncredited)
His New York Wife(1926) - Philip Thorne
Fools of Fashion(1926) - Matthew Young
Bardelys the Magnificent(1926) - René de Lesperon
Laddie(1926) - Robert Paget
The Sea Wolf(1926) - Humphrey Van Weyden
The Last Alarm(1926) - Joe - Tom's Pal - a Fireman
Queen o'Diamonds(1926) - Daniel Hammon
A Desperate Moment(1926) - Captain John Reynolds
The Red Kimona(1925) - Freddy - the Chauffeur (as Theodore Von Eltz)
Broadway Lady(1925) - Bob Westbrook
Paint and Powder(1925) - Jimmy Evarts
The Thoroughbred(1925) - Robert Bemis
The Sporting Chance(1925) - Robert Selby
White Fang(1925) - Weadon Scott
On Thin Ice(1925) - Dr. Paul Jackson
Locked Doors(1925) - John Talbot
Hearts of Oak(1924) - Ned Fairweather
The Turmoil(1924) - James Sheridan Jr.
That French Lady(1924) - John Hemmingway
Being Respectable(1924) - Stephen O'Connell
The Breaking Point(1924) - Fred Gregory (as Theodor Von Eltz)
Tiger Rose(1923) - Bruce Norton
Lights Out(1923) - 'Eggs' (Egbert Winslow)
The Woman with Four Faces(1923) - Jim Hartigan
Can a Woman Love Twice?(1923) - Thomas Jefferson Grant
The Glorious Fool(1922) - Senior Surgical Interne
Sherlock Brown(1922) - Frank Morton
Extra! Extra!(1922) - Fordney Stowe
The Girl from Rocky Point(1922) - Robert Giffing
Fourteenth Lover(1922) - Clyde Van Ness
The Speed Girl(1921) - Tom Manley
The Old Nest(1921) - Stephen McLeod
Extravagance(1921) - Dick Vane
The Man Who Had Everything(1920) - Master of Ceremonies at Party (uncredited)
The Traffic Cop(1916) - Casey's Brother
His Wife(1915) - Harry Dennys


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