Актриса - Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin(Сериал)(2022) - Davie
Easter Sunday(2022)
The Mental State - Angela Cady
Demonic(2021) - Carly
Bad President: All My Sh*t(Късометражен)(2020) - Mary
The Good Doctor(Сериал)(2020) - Lily Cross
Bad President: Kenya(Късометражен)(2020) - Mary
Bad President: Oil Spill(Късометражен)(2020) - Mary
The Lost Husband(2020) - Lanie
Double Holiday(2019) - Rebecca Hoffman
First Wives Club(Сериал)(2019) - Rosalyn
Do Unto Others(2018) - Rae Chastain
Blindspot(Сериал)(2018) - Quinn Bonita
Adam: The
... Prophet(2017) - Marian
Cooking with Bill(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Karen
Oats Studios(Мини Сериал)(2017) - Sarah
Rakka(Късометражен)(2017) - Sarah / Narrator
Arrow(Сериал)(2016-2017) - Susan Williams
Suits(Сериал)(2016-2017) - Tara Messer
It's Not What You Know(Късометражен)(2016) - Charlie
Poor Richard's Almanack(2016) - Brooke
Game of Silence(Сериал)(2016) - Victoria / DA Victoria Edmunds
Lost Boy(2015) - Amanda
Republic of Doyle(Сериал)(2014) - Alisha Maracle
Rush(Сериал)(2014) - Ellen Murphy
This Last Lonely Place(2014) - Faye Gardner
The Tomorrow People(Сериал)(2013-2014) - Morgan Burke
Played(Сериал)(2013) - Vanessa Moreland
Ambushed(2013) - Beverly
Elysium(2013/I) - CCB Agent
Motive(Сериал)(2013) - Sonia Brauer
Concrete Blondes(2013) - Kris Connifer
Man and Woman(Късометражен)(2012) - Amy
Textuality(2011) - Simone James
S.W.A.T.: Firefight(2011) - Kim Byers
Day One(2010) - Bonnie
Outlaw(Сериал)(2010) - Lucinda Pearl
Stuntmen(2009) - Karla Bravo
Life Is Hot in Cracktown(2009) - Stacy
24(Сериал)(2009) - Samantha Roth
Californication(Сериал)(2008) - Annika
24: Redemption(2008) - Samantha Roth
Toronto Stories(2008) - Roshanna
Edison & Leo(2008) - Zella (voice)
Say Goodnight(2008) - Crystal
Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon(2008) - Sarah
Robson Arms(Сериал)(2008) - Anke Vermeulen-Papathanasiou
Whistler(Сериал)(2007) - Bailey
YPF(2007) - Kris
Beneath(2007) - Vanessa
The 4400(Сериал)(2007) - Kara
Dirt(Сериал)(2007) - Garbo
Itty Bitty Titty Committee(2007) - Shulamith
The Evidence(Сериал)(2006)
10.5: Apocalypse(Мини Сериал)(2006) - Laura Malloy
Recipe for a Perfect Christmas(2005) - J.J. Jenner
Sandra Goes to Whistler(Късометражен)(2005) - Sandra
Break a Leg
Rosie(Късометражен)(2005) - Rosie
Two for the Money(2005) - Tammy
Eighteen(2005) - Jenny
The Collector(Сериал)(2004-2005) - Maya Kandinski
The French Guy(2005) - Anna
The Hamster Cage(2005) - Candy
Sandra Gets Dumped(Късометражен)(2005) - Sandra
Tru Calling(Сериал)(2005) - Off. Kate Wilson
Window Theory(2005) - Angela
Young Blades(Сериал)(2005) - The Enchantress
The Mountain(Сериал)(2004) - Ronnie
Everyone(2004) - Rena
White Coats(2004) - Sarah Calder
The Ranch(2004) - Beth Ann
A Tale of Two Wives(2003) - Bianca
Jake 2.0(Сериал)(2003) - Yori / Rachel
This Time Around(2003) - Melissa 'Mel' Rochester
Nemesis Game(2003) - Sara Novak
Hemingway vs. Callaghan(2003) - Young Loreto Callaghan
1st to Die(2003) - Cindy Thomas
Kim Possible(Сериал)(2002-2003) - Amelia
Various Positions(2002) - Cheryth Bleyn
Orange County(2002) - Tanya
The Glass House(2001) - Tasha
Finder's Fee(2001) - Carla
Popular(Сериал)(1999-2001) - Sam McPherson
Trapped in a Purple Haze(2000) - Molly White
Snow Day(2000) - Fawn
A Cooler Climate(1999) - Beth
Aliens in the Wild
Wild West(1999) - Sara Johnson
Our Guys: Outrage at Glen Ridge(1999) - Mari Ferraez
NightMan(Сериал)(1998) - Teresa Chase
Disturbing Behavior(1998) - Abbey
I've Been Waiting for You(1998) - Cheerleader
The Wonderful World of Disney(Сериал)(1998) - Student
A Girl's Guide to Kissing and Other Nightmares in Teenland(Късометражен)(1996)
Карли завършва гимназия във Ванкувър през 1998 г. Дебютира на американския екран във филма I've Been Waiting for You (1998). Най-забележителните ѝ роли до момента са "Моли Уайт" в "В капана на пурпурната мъгла" (2000 г.) и "Сам Макферсън" в телевизионния сериал "Популярни" (1999 г.). Преди да получи ролята на "Сам Макферсън", тя се явява на прослушване за роли в сериала "Розуел" (1999 г.). - И.И. превод