Глен Форд (Glenn Ford)

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1916-5-1 - Sainte-Christine-d'Auvergne, Portneuf, Québec, Canada

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Всички филми на Глен Форд (Glenn Ford)

Всички филми и роли на Глен Форд (Glenn Ford)

Актьор - Final Verdict(1991) - Rev. Rogers
Raw Nerve(1991) - Captain Gavin
Border Shootout(1990) - Sheriff John Danaher
Casablanca Express(1989) - Major Gen. Williams
The Magical World of Disney(Сериал)(1986) - Lucas Wheeler
Happy Birthday to Me(1981) - Dr. David Faraday
Virus: The End(1980) - President Richardson
Day of the Assassin(1979) - Christakis
The Gift(1979) - Billy Devlin
Thief(1979) - David Donnelly
The Sacketts(Мини Сериал)(1979) - Tom Sunday
The Visitor(1979) - Det. Jake Durham
Superman(1978) - Pa Kent
Evening in Byzantium(Мини Сериал)(1978) - Jesse Craig
No Margin for Error(1978) - Deputy Chief Walter Hayes
Police Story(Сериал)(1978) - Deputy Chief Walter Hayes
The 3
000 Mile Chase(1977) - Paul Dvorak / Leonard Staveck
Once an Eagle(Мини Сериал)(1976-1977) - George Caldwell
Midway(1976) - Rear Admiral Raymond A. Spruance
The Family Holvak(Сериал)(1975) - Rev. Tom Holvak
Long Way Home(1975) - Rev. Tom Holvak
Punch and Jody(1974) - Peter 'Punch' Travers
The Greatest Gift(1974) - Rev. Holvak
The Disappearance of Flight 412(1974) - Col. Pete Moore
Santee(1973) - Santee
Jarrett(1973) - Sam Jarrett
Cade's County(Сериал)(1971-1972) - Sam Cade
The Marshal of Madrid(1971) - Sheriff Sam Cade
The Brotherhood of the Bell(1970) - Prof. Andrew 'Andy' Patterson
Heaven with a Gun(1969) - Jim Killian / Pastor Jim
Smith!(1969) - Smith
Day of the Evil Gun(1968) - Lorn Warfield
A Time for Killing(1967) - Maj. Wolcott
The Last Challenge(1967) - Marshal Dan Blaine
Rage(1966) - Doctor Reuben
Is Paris Burning?(1966) - Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley
The Money Trap(1965) - Joe Baron
The Rounders(1965) - Ben Jones
Dear Heart(1964) - Harry Mork
Fate Is the Hunter(1964) - Sam McBane
Advance to the Rear(1964) - Capt. Jared Heath
Love Is a Ball(1963) - John Lathrop Davis
The Courtship of Eddie's Father(1963) - Tom Corbett
Experiment in Terror(1962) - John Ripley
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse(1962) - Julio Desnoyers
Pocketful of Miracles(1961) - Dave the Dude
Cry for Happy(1961) - CPO Andy Cyphers
Cimarron(1960) - Yancey 'Cimarron' Cravat
The Gazebo(1959) - Elliott Nash
It Started with a Kiss(1959) - Sgt. Joe Fitzpatrick
Torpedo Run(1958) - Lt. Cmdr. Barney Doyle
Imitation General(1958) - MSgt. Murphy Savage
The Sheepman(1958) - Jason Sweet
Shower of Stars(Сериал)(1958) - Glenn Ford
Cowboy(1958) - Tom Reese
Don't Go Near the Water(1957) - Lt. J.G. Max Siegel
3:10 to Yuma(1957) - Ben Wade
The Teahouse of the August Moon(1956) - Capt. Fisby
The Fastest Gun Alive(1956) - George Temple / George Kelby
Jubal(1956) - Jubal Troop
Ransom!(1956) - David G. Stannard
Trial(1955) - David Blake
Interrupted Melody(1955) - Dr. Thomas King
Blackboard Jungle(1955) - Richard Dadier
The Violent Men(1955) - John Parrish
The Americano(1955) - Sam Dent
Human Desire(1954) - Jeff Warren
City Story(Късометражен)(1954) - Narrator
Appointment in Honduras(1953) - Jim Corbett
The Big Heat(1953) - Sgt. Dave Bannion
Plunder of the Sun(1953) - Al Colby
The Man from the Alamo(1953) - John Stroud
Terror on a Train(1953) - Peter Lyncort
Affair in Trinidad(1952) - Steve Emery
Young Man with Ideas(1952) - Maxwell Webster
The Green Glove(1952) - Michael 'Mike' Blake
The Secret of Convict Lake(1951) - Jim Canfield
Follow the Sun(1951) - Ben Hogan
The Redhead and the Cowboy(1951) - Gil Kyle
The Flying Missile(1950) - Cmdr. William A. Talbot
Convicted(1950) - Joe Hufford
The White Tower(1950) - Martin Ordway
The Doctor and the Girl(1949) - Dr. Michael Corday
Mr. Soft Touch(1949) - Joe Miracle
Lust for Gold(1949) - Jacob 'Dutch' Walz
The Undercover Man(1949) - Frank Warren
The Man from Colorado(1948) - Owen Devereaux
The Return of October(1948) - Prof. Bentley 'Bass' Bassett Jr.
The Loves of Carmen(1948) - Don José Lizarabengoa
The Mating of Millie(1948) - Doug Andrews
Framed(1947) - Mike Lambert
Gallant Journey(1946) - John J. Montgomery
A Stolen Life(1946) - Bill Emerson
Gilda(1946) - Johnny Farrell
Guadalcanal Diary(1943) - Marine Extra (uncredited)
Destroyer(1943) - Mickey Donohue
The Desperadoes(1943) - Cheyenne Rogers
Flight Lieutenant(1942) - Danny Doyle
The Adventures of Martin Eden(1942) - Martin Eden
Go West
Young Lady(1941) - Tex Miller
Texas(1941) - Tod Ramsey
So Ends Our Night(1941) - Ludwig Kern
Blondie Plays Cupid(1940) - Charlie
The Lady in Question(1940) - Pierre Morestan
Babies for Sale(1940) - Steve Burton / Oscar Hanson
Men Without Souls(1940) - Johnny Adams
Convicted Woman(1940) - Jim Brent (Reporter)
My Son Is Guilty(1939) - Barney
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence(1939) - Joe Riley
Night in Manhattan(Късометражен)(1937) - Emcee (as Gwyllyn Ford)


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