Майкъл Боуен (Michael Bowen)

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June 21, 1953 - Houston, Texas, USA

Повече за актьора/режисьора

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Всички филми на Майкъл Боуен (Michael Bowen)

Всички филми и роли на Майкъл Боуен (Michael Bowen)

Актьор - Mata Hari - Mike
Grey's Anatomy(Сериал)(2021) - Roy Davis
A Soldier's Revenge(2020/I) - Feldman
Beef House(Сериал)(2020) - Brad
Duke(2019/II) - Sgt. Roman
My Name is Josy(Късометражен)(2019) - FBI Agent
Parts & Labor(Късометражен)(2018) - Greg
9-1-1(Сериал)(2018) - Cecil
House by the Lake(2017) - Harry
Animal Kingdom(Сериал)(2016) - Vin
Castle(Сериал)(2016) - Sgt. Joseph Ortiz
Gotham(Сериал)(2016) - Matches Malone
Raising Hope(Сериал)(2014) - Mullet
Ironside(Сериал)(2013) - John Covich
Breaking Bad(Сериал)(2012-2013) - Uncle Jack
All Cheerleaders Die(2013) - Larry
Deep Dark Canyon(2013) - Randy Cavanaugh
Django Unchained(2012) - Tracker
Revolution(Сериал)(2012) - Ray Kinsey
Slumber Party Slaughter(2012) - Mod Man
Soda Springs(2012) - Larry
Brawler(2011) - Rex Baker
Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair(2011) - Buck
The Perfect Student(2011) - Detective Walker
Trichotomy(2011) - The Driver
Echo Park Love Story(Късометражен)(2011) - The Guitar Maker
Apart(2011/I) - Teddy Berg
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation(Сериал)(2003-2010) - Jason Richter / Marty Cooperman
Scoundrels(Сериал)(2010) - Charlie
Camouflage(2009) - The Intruder
Criminal Minds(Сериал)(2009) - Tommy Anderson
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever(2009) - Principal Sinclair
Dark Blue(Сериал)(2009) - Dan Kemp
The Last House on the Left(2009) - Morton
The Hessen Conspiracy(2009) - Ben Cassidy
Deadgirl(2008) - Clint
Autopsy(2008) - Travis
Dear Me(2008) - Andre Marceau
Love at First Kill(2008) - Burt
Permanent Vacation(2007) - Hollerenshaw
Bobby Z(2007) - Duke
Drive(Сериал)(2007) - Officer Poole
Lost(Сериал)(2006-2007) - Danny Pickett
The Work and the Glory III: A House Divided(2006) - Robert Johnson
The Lost(2006/II) - Detective Charlie Schilling
Bones(Сериал)(2006) - Ray Sparks
The Work and the Glory II: American Zion(2005) - Robert Johnson
Chandler Hall(2005) - Richard
Self Medicated(2005) - Dan Jones
The Inside(Сериал)(2005) - Bill Strong
Lethal Eviction(2005) - Lewis
After the Sunset(2004) - FBI Driver
Dr. Vegas(Сериал)(2004) - Mr. Pendry
Kill Bill: Vol. 2(2004) - Buck
Walking Tall(2004) - Sheriff Stan Watkins
Kill Bill: Vol. 1(2003) - Buck
The Pennsylvania Miners' Story(2002) - Robert 'Boogie' Pugh
The Division(Сериал)(2002) - Ray
The Guardian(Сериал)(2002) - Bobby Hinkins
Hostage Negotiator(2001) - Frank Foley
Final Payback(2001) - Steve Ghallagher
The X-Files(Сериал)(2001) - Dwight Cooper
How to Marry a Billionaire: A Christmas Tale(2000) - Franklyn
The Huntress(Сериал)(2000) - Henry Fowler
Magnolia(1999) - Rick Spector
Me and Will(1999) - George
Natural Selection(1999) - Willie Dickenson
Brimstone(Сериал)(1998) - Lee Varner
Gideon(1998) - Billy Ray Turner
Texas Ranger(Сериал)(1994-1998) - J.C. Beal / Roy Dolan
Letters from a Killer(1998) - Parker
Brooklyn South(Сериал)(1998) - Detective Paul Taglia
Jackie Brown(1997) - Mark Dargus
Nash Bridges(Сериал)(1997) - Axel Munson
Don King: Only in America(1997) - Boxing Spectator
Excess Baggage(1997) - Gus
JAG(Сериал)(1997) - Denny
Cupid(1997) - Mike Logan
The Lazarus Man(Сериал)(1996) - Doctor Wallace
Pacific Blue(Сериал)(1996) - Simpson
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues(Сериал)(1993-1996) - Macklin
NYPD Blue(Сериал)(1996) - David Tierney
Trial by Fire(1995) - Roger Gill
True Crime(1995) - Earl Parkins
Christy(Сериал)(1995) - Jarvis Tatum
ER(Сериал)(1994) - Dante Valerio - Boy's father
New Eden(1994) - Kyne
Love and a .45(1994) - Ranger X
Beverly Hills Cop III(1994) - Fletch
The Adventures of Brisco County
Jr.(Сериал)(1993) - Bishop Brackman
Visions of Murder(1993) - Policeman #2
Poisoned by Love: The Kern County Murders(1993) - Detective Culbertson
Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story(1993) - Paul Makely
Adventures in Spying(1992) - Slater
Bonnie & Clyde: The True Story(1992) - Buck Barrow
Matlock(Сериал)(1992) - Jay Reynolds
The Player(1992) - Michael Bowen
The Waterdance(1992) - Biker #1
Jake and the Fatman(Сериал)(1991) - Sunny Appleton
Perfect Crimes(1991) - Jack O'Neill
The Taking of Beverly Hills(1991) - L.A. Cop at Roadblock
Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance(1991)
The Godfather: Part III(1990) - Mask #2
China Beach(Сериал)(1990) - Stepakoff
Kid(1990) - Harlan
Bar Girls(1990) - Troy Cavendish
Mortal Passions(1989) - Berke
Shannon's Deal(1989) - Scotty Powell
21 Jump Street(Сериал)(1989) - Charlie Sharp
Season of Fear(1989) - Mick Drummond
The Ryan White Story(1989) - Harley
Beverly Hills Buntz(Сериал)(1988)
CBS Summer Playhouse(Сериал)(1988) - Brannigan
Less Than Zero(1987) - Hop
Amazing Grace and Chuck(1987) - Hot Dog
The Abduction of Kari Swenson(1987) - Dan Nichols
On Fire(1987) - Joe Leary Jr.
The Check Is in the Mail...(1986) - Gary Jackson
The A-Team(Сериал)(1986) - Rusty Blackburn
Iron Eagle(1986) - Knotcher
Echo Park(1985) - August
Private Resort(1985) - Scott
Highway to Heaven(Сериал)(1985) - Jack Harm
Night of the Comet(1984) - Larry Dupree
On the Line(1984/I) - Customs Officer
The Wild Life(1984) - Vince
Knight Rider(Сериал)(1983) - Bobby Shell
Valley Girl(1983) - Tommy
The Fall Guy(Сериал)(1983) - Federal Agent Turner
Forbidden World(1982) - Jimmy Swift
Falcon Crest(Сериал)(1982) - Bill Reed
CHiPs(Сериал)(1982) - Dennis
Knots Landing(Сериал)(1982) - Roy Thompson

Мини Биография

Майкъл Боуен е роден на 21 юни 1953 г. в Хюстън, Тексас, САЩ. Той е актьор, известен с филма "Убий Бил": 1 (2003), Последната къща вляво (2009) и Джаки Браун (1997). Женен е за Кристин Джой Джейкъбсън. Те имат четири деца. - И.И. превод


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