Джаки Бъроуз (Jackie Burroughs)

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1939-2-2 - Lancashire, England, UK

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Всички филми на Джаки Бъроуз (Jackie Burroughs)

Всички филми и роли на Джаки Бъроуз (Jackie Burroughs)

Актриса - Small Town Murder Songs(2010) - Olive
Higglety Pigglety Pop! or There Must Be More to Life(2010) - Mother Goose (voice)
Sophie(Сериал)(2009) - Aunt Sheil
Into the Labyrinth(2008) - Ariadne
Skip Tracer(2008) - Florence
Deck the Halls(2006) - Mrs. Ryor
First Snow(2006) - Maggie
The Sentinel(2006) - Mrs. Miller (uncredited)
Heidi(2005/II) - Fraulein Rottenmeier (voice)
Martha Behind Bars(2005) - Big Martha
Leo(Късометражен)(2005) - Felicity
Bailey's Billion$(2005) - Constance Pennington
Slings and Arrows(Сериал)(2005) - Moira
King's Ransom(2005) - Grandma
Fever Pitch(2005) - Mrs. Warren
Walter Ego(Сериал)(2005)
Snow(2004) - Lorna
Move or Die(Видео Игра)(2004) - Mrs. Grimm (voice)
Re-Generation(2004) - Grandmother
Going the Distance(2004) - Mother Libby
Cavedweller(2004) - Grandma Windsor
The Winning Season(2004) - Mrs. Young
Bury the Lead(Сериал)(2004) - Arlene Garwood
The Republic of Love(2003) - Betty Avery
Rhinoceros Eyes(2003) - Mrs. Walnut
Dead Like Me(Сериал)(2003) - Florence
Willard(2003) - Mrs. Stiles
Mystery Ink(Сериал)(2003) - True Crimes Performer
The Industry(Сериал)(2003) - Helga Lemper
A Guy Thing(2003) - Aunt Budge
Just Cause(Сериал)(2003) - Lily Zimmer
Night's Noontime(Късометражен)(2002) - Queen Victoria
The Wet Season(Късометражен)(2002)
The Pilot's Wife(2002) - Julia (uncredited)
Smallville(Сериал)(2001) - Cassandra Carver
Angela Anaconda(Сериал)(1999-2001)
On Their Knees(2001) - Flora
Further Tales of the City(Мини Сериал)(2001) - Mother Mucca
Lost and Delirious(2001) - Fay Vaughn
Washed Up(2000) - Tosca
Cover Me(Мини Сериал)(1999) - Caitlin Crawford
Have Mercy(1999) - Lulu
Små varelser och stora(Късометражен)(1999)
Happy Christmas
Miss King(1998) - Hetty King
More Tales of the City(Мини Сериал)(1998) - Mother Mucca
Last Night(1998/I) - The Runner
Evidence of Blood(1998) - Granny Dollar
Platinum(1997) - Sir Ian Ball-Worthington
Due South(Сериал)(1997) - Gladys Caunce
Elvis Meets Nixon(1997) - Dodger
Bleeders(1997) - Lexie
O Canada(Сериал)(1997) - Voices
Avonlea(Сериал)(1990-1996) - Hetty King
How Dinosaurs Learned to Fly(Късометражен)(1995) - Narrator (voice)
Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years(Мини Сериал)(1995) - Ozza Starks
The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon(Сериал)(1994) - Aggie / Pirate Aggie
Night Owl(1993) - Dr. Matthews
Careful(1992) - Frau Teacher
Heritage Minutes(Сериал)(1992) - Narrator
Elizabeth Smart: On the Side of the Angels(1991) - Elizabeth Smart
Whispers(1990) - Mrs. Yancey
Carnival of Shadows(1989)
Final Notice(1989)
The Midday Sun(1989) - Lilian
Food of the Gods II(1989) - Dr. Treger
The Twilight Zone(Сериал)(1989) - Jean Reed
I Vant to be Alone(1988)
Taking Care of Terrific(1987) - Mrs. Forbes
John and the Missus(1987) - Missus
A Winter Tan(1987) - Maryse Holder
A Judgment in Stone(1986) - Joan Smith
Evergreen(Мини Сериал)(1985) - Dorothy
Anne of Green Gables(Мини Сериал)(1985) - Mrs. Amelia Evans
Ewoks(Сериал)(1985) - Morag the Tulgah Witch / Morag
The Undergrads(1985) - Nancy Galik
The Care Bears Movie(1985) - The Spirit (voice)
Seduced(1985) - Mrs. Riordan
All the Years(Късометражен)(1984)
The Surrogate(1984) - Woman at Anouk's
American Playhouse(Сериал)(1983) - Emmaline Ozmondo Fingal
Chautauqua Girl(1983) - Mrs. Ferguson
Gentle Sinners(1983) - Mrs. Smith
The Dead Zone(1983) - Vera Smith
The Wars(1983) - Miss Davenport
The Grey Fox(1982) - Kate Flynn
Chairman of the Board(Сериал)(1981) - Prof. Hannah Cohen
The Intruder(1981) - Eleanor
Heavy Metal(1981) - Katherine (segment "Den") (voice)
Chairman of the Board(1980)
The Kidnapping of the President(1980) - Woman Agent
Death of a Gandy Dancer(Късометражен)(1978) - Martha
Great Performances(Сериал)(1978) - Maria Mitchell
Performance(Сериал)(1974-1977) - Hillary Dene / Helen
My Pleasure Is My Business(1975) - Old lady at pool (uncredited)
Running Time(1974) - The Old Lady
125 Rooms of Comfort(1974) - Bobbie Kidd
'Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen (1974)(1974) - Carla
Police Surgeon(Сериал)(1974) - Rose
Monkeys in the Attic(1974) - Wanda
The Play's the Thing(Сериал)(1974)
Norman Corwin Presents(Сериал)(1972)
To See Ourselves(Сериал)(1972) - Jenny
A Fan's Notes(1972) - Betty Blind
Eat Anything(1971)
The Psychiatrist(Сериал)(1970) - Jane
a Therapy Group Member
The Hart & Lorne Terrific Hour(Сериал)(1970)
Twelve and a Half Cents(1970) - Mother
Dulcima(1969) - Dulcima Gaston
The Ernie Game(1967) - Gail
The Purse(Късометражен)(1966)
Wojeck(Сериал)(1966) - Heroin Addict
Notes for a Film About Donna & Gail(1966)
Festival(Сериал)(1964-1965) - Catherine

Режисьор: A Winter Tan(1987)


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