Ела Лентини (Ella Lentini)

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Всички филми на Ела Лентини (Ella Lentini)

Всички филми и роли на Ела Лентини (Ella Lentini)

Актриса - Complex Human Seeks Similar(Късометражен)(2021) - Jade Trames
Conditionally(Късометражен)(2021) - Ren
9-1-1(Сериал)(2018) - Brandy
Chasing Unicorns(Късометражен)(2017) - Jo
Crude(Сериал)(2017) - Roxy Cotin
Art Show Bingo(2017) - Rachel
Don't let it bring you down(Късометражен)(2017)
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood(Видео Игра)(2016) - Hannah / Beth Washington
Piece of Cake(Късометражен)(2016/I) - Alex
Until Dawn(Видео Игра)(2015) - Hannah / Beth (voice)
7E(2013) - Kate (as Antonella Lentini)
The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex(2013) - Francesca (as Antonella Lentini)
A12(Късометражен)(2012) - Lexi (as Antonella Lentini)
Disconnect(2012/I) - Cassie (as Antonella Lentini)
Greystone Park(2012) - Antonella (as Antonella Lentini)
ZombleBees(Късометражен)(2012) - Girl Bee (as Antonella Lentini)
Condition(2011) - Alaska (as Antonella Lentini)
Nevo(Късометражен)(2011) - Julie (as Antonella Lentini)
The Quiet Room(2010) - Nun (as Antonella Lentini)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit(Сериал)(2010) - Tina Harper
Run It(2009) - Stoner Girl two (as Antonella Lentini)
Cusp(Късометражен)(2000) - School Kid (as Antonella Lentini)

Режисьор: Complex Human Seeks Similar(2021)
Crazy: The Digital Series(2020)
Chasing Unicorns(2017)
Girl Gang(2017/I)
I Fell(2017)
Piece of Cake(2016/I)


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