Ричард Дилард (Richard Dillard)

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Всички филми на Ричард Дилард (Richard Dillard)

Всички филми и роли на Ричард Дилард (Richard Dillard)

Актьор - Waiting for the Miracle to Come(2018) - Mayor
The Son(Сериал)(2017) - Kirby
Song to Song(2017/I) - Father (uncredited)
The Son(Късометражен)(2016) - Kirby
The Other Kind(2015/I) - Ben
Women & Children(2014) - Coach
Parkland(2013) - Theron Ward
The Last Stand(2013) - Irv
Abel's Field(2012) - Coach Chalmers
Dallas(Сериал)(2012) - Mitch Lobell
Deep in the Heart(2012) - Sheriff Ray
Beneath the Darkness(2011) - Doctor
Seven Days in Utopia(2011) - Golfer #1
Angel Dog(2011) - Seth
Paradise Recovered(2010) - Warren F. Vanderbilt
Beatdown(2010) - Kent (as Richard W. Dillard)
Breaking the Press(2010) - Tex Summer
Temple Grandin(2010) - Don Micheals
Tommy and the Cool Mule(2009) - Cook
Stop-Loss(2008) - Sheriff Boudreaux
Wire in the Blood(Сериал)(2008) - Wayne Osman
Elvis and Anabelle(2007) - TV Doctor
Walking Tall: The Payback(2007) - Charlie Prescott
Friday Night Lights(Сериал)(2006) - Grady Hunt
Infamous(2006) - Man on Street
Prince of Truth(2006) - Red Dunbar
The Ringer(2005) - Olympic Official
The Keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayyam(2005) - Mansour's Boss
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada(2005) - Jim
Friday Night Lights(2004) - Reporter
Screen Door Jesus(2003) - Mayor Roy Huckaby
Warning: Parental Advisory(2002) - Senator Sam
The Rookie(2002) - Devil Rays Manager
She Gets What She Wants(2002) - Sam Fuller
Pendulum(2001) - Marty Regan
Texas Ranger(Сериал)(1994-2001) - Joseph Conway / Rawlings / Richard Sanderson / ...
Picnic(2000) - Mr. Benson
RocketMan(1997) - The President
True Women(Мини Сериал)(1997) - Sheriff
It's in the Water(1997) - Jack Talbott
The Secret She Carried(1996) - Walter
Ellen's Dad
Cadillac Ranch(1996) - Captain Steadlin
A Woman of Independent Means(Мини Сериал)(1995) - Richard Prince
Texas Justice(1995)
Blank Check(1994) - Guest #1
Dazed and Confused(1993) - Pickford's Dad
Dangerous Curves(Сериал)(1993) - Richard Corman
A Taste for Killing(1992) - Mr. Sloan
Wild Texas Wind(1991) - Billy
The Last Prostitute(1991) - Ben Lake
A Seduction in Travis County(1991) - Judge Walker
Days of Our Lives(Сериал)(1989) - Sheriff Dan Cox / Judge Wilkins
Hunter(Сериал)(1989) - Bill Martin


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