Дан Голдън (Dan Golden)

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Всички филми на Дан Голдън (Dan Golden)

Всички филми и роли на Дан Голдън (Dan Golden)

Актьор - A Mother's Revenge(2016) - Barkeep
After Midnight(2014) - Cameraman
All Babe Network(2013) - Tv operator (uncredited)
Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader(2012) - Bob the Cameraman
Dinoshark(2010) - Mike
Bikini Royale 2(2010) - Mr. Shayne (as Sam Silver)
Cyclops(2008) - Master of the Games
The Lair(Сериал)(2007-2008) - Office Employee / Man
Blood Scarab(2008) - Edgar (as Sam Silver)
Komodo vs. Cobra(2005) - Dr. Michaels
Bikini Airways(2003) - Co-Pilot Dave (as Sam Silver)
Maximum Revenge(1998) - Terrorist #4
Mystery On Makeout Mountain(1997) - Crazy Joe
Fugitive Rage(1996) - Hillbilly Thug
Burial of the Rats(1995) - Man With Knife In Back
Bikini Drive-in(1995)
Wizards of the Demon Sword(1991) - Gorgon
Bad Girls from Mars(1990) - Still Photographer Guy
Alienator(1990) - Electrocuted Prisoner
Longtime Companion(1989) - Gym Instructor (as Sam Silver)
Terminal Force(1989) - Attorney
Kate & Allie(Сериал)(1989)
You Can't Hurry Love(1988) - Photographer
Hangmen(1987) - Reynolds (as Sam Silver)

Режисьор: Dungeons of Ecstasy(2017)
T&A Time Travelers(2017)
Dances with Werewolves(2017)
110%: When Blood
Sweat and Tears Are Not Enough(2006)
Timegate: Tales of the Saddle Tramps(1999)
Hidden Beauties(1999)
The Haunted Sea(1997)
Terminal Virus(1995)
Burial of the Rats(1995)
Saturday Night Special(1994)
Naked Obsession(1990)


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